13-08-2006, 05:17 AM
14-08-2006, 02:36 AM
Sorry, I couldn't understand your question...
14-08-2006, 03:25 AM
what replacement pokemon should i put until i get milotic? i have miltank and will try to breed a better one, and a steel type, probably metagross but maybe magneton or skarmory, like you said, and until i get milotic, i dont have a clue.
14-08-2006, 04:12 AM
OK, let me think... Maybe you should use Starmie... (confuse ray, recover, surf/psychic, thunderbolt, natural cure...) A Breloom with spore may be useful too.
15-08-2006, 02:24 AM
what natures? and items and the other attacks for breloom? and what about effort points? did i tell you i got the luck symbol? next i will do the dome. what pokemon should i use? are any from my previous team any good?
this is them:
Results for Houndoom
![[Image: 229.png]](229.png)
HP IV: 25 [24 ~ 26] 48%
Attack IV: 19 [18 ~ 20] 48%
Defense IV: 12 [10 ~ 14] 21%
Sp.Atk IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Def IV: 3 [2 ~ 4] 38%
Speed IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
iron tail, sludge bomb, flamethrower, and over heat.
Results for Cacturne
![[Image: 345.png]](345.png)
HP IV: 30 [30 ~ 31] 97%
Attack IV: 21 [20 ~ 22] 48%
Defense IV: 15 [14 ~ 16] 47%
Sp.Atk IV: 23 [22 ~ 24] 48%
Sp.Def IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Speed IV: 21 [20 ~ 22] 48
giga drain, neddle arm, dynamic punch, faint attack.
Results for Raichu
![[Image: 26.png]](26.png)
HP IV: 15 [14 ~ 16] 47%
Attack IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Defense IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Atk IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Def IV: 19 [18 ~ 20] 48%
Speed IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
volt tackle, thunderbolt, shock wave, and facade( thinking about reconsidering)
this is them:
Results for Houndoom
![[Image: 229.png]](229.png)
HP IV: 25 [24 ~ 26] 48%
Attack IV: 19 [18 ~ 20] 48%
Defense IV: 12 [10 ~ 14] 21%
Sp.Atk IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Def IV: 3 [2 ~ 4] 38%
Speed IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
iron tail, sludge bomb, flamethrower, and over heat.
Results for Cacturne
![[Image: 345.png]](345.png)
HP IV: 30 [30 ~ 31] 97%
Attack IV: 21 [20 ~ 22] 48%
Defense IV: 15 [14 ~ 16] 47%
Sp.Atk IV: 23 [22 ~ 24] 48%
Sp.Def IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Speed IV: 21 [20 ~ 22] 48
giga drain, neddle arm, dynamic punch, faint attack.
Results for Raichu
![[Image: 26.png]](26.png)
HP IV: 15 [14 ~ 16] 47%
Attack IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Defense IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Atk IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
Sp.Def IV: 19 [18 ~ 20] 48%
Speed IV: 31 [31 ~ 31] 0%
volt tackle, thunderbolt, shock wave, and facade( thinking about reconsidering)
15-08-2006, 01:22 PM
You do not use the Calculator properly.So many 31 IVs are impossible.You should put the Ep as well.
16-08-2006, 02:25 AM
i knew something was wrong when my Charizard had 31 in every stat. i should start keeping note of what evs i put to each stat.
16-08-2006, 02:36 AM
Here are there their stats instead:
![[Image: 229.png]](229.png)
Mild, Flash Fire
![[Image: 345.png]](345.png)
Lonley, Sand Veil
![[Image: 26.png]](26.png)
Rash, Static
![[Image: 229.png]](229.png)
Mild, Flash Fire
![[Image: 345.png]](345.png)
Lonley, Sand Veil
![[Image: 26.png]](26.png)
Rash, Static
16-08-2006, 04:59 AM
I still think you're using the wrong moves... Giga Drain and Needle Arm are bad, you should replace Needle Arm with Leech Seed, Cotton Spore or Shadow Ball (Needle Arm has the same strenght of Giga Drain, and it's almost impossible to flinch the foe since almost everything is faster than Cacturne).
Your Houndoom's atk power is low, you shouldn't use these physical moves.
Why don't you try Attract/Sweet Kiss in Raichu? A paratracter/parafuser is useful for something fast.
Your Houndoom's atk power is low, you shouldn't use these physical moves.
Why don't you try Attract/Sweet Kiss in Raichu? A paratracter/parafuser is useful for something fast.
16-08-2006, 05:01 AM
eh hem... what is my battling style you ask? why i thought i told you.
16-08-2006, 05:07 AM
I'm not telling you to use the annoying style instead of the sweeper one, I'm just saying you should better vary your attacks and think better about covering your own weaknesses (just like trying a grass/water/ice hidden power on Raichu or using Solarbeam in Houndoom - although you still haven't find this TM)
I'm not playing emerald for a long time... (I haven't one, so...) So, which event was the Battle Dome?
I'm not playing emerald for a long time... (I haven't one, so...) So, which event was the Battle Dome?
16-08-2006, 05:10 AM
it says " your tactics will be tested." i've done it, but i have'nt battled the frontier brain. its like pokemon leauge from the anime.
16-08-2006, 05:14 AM
about miltank. is a lax, gentle, naughty, or hasty nature ok?
16-08-2006, 05:23 AM
Never use natures that low your defences (only in mixed-sweepers, although it is risked). Miltank is better with a jolly nature or a careful one.
About the battle dome, I still didn't think about it...
If it helps you, the Dome Superstar Tucker uses Swampert, Charizard and Salamence when you'll battle him for the silver symbol.
About the battle dome, I still didn't think about it...
If it helps you, the Dome Superstar Tucker uses Swampert, Charizard and Salamence when you'll battle him for the silver symbol.
16-08-2006, 05:25 AM
what pokemon are valuable for me to win? is starmie or miltank still of any value?