How do you find this Porygon-Z?
Trait: Adaptability
Timid @ Life orb
Ev’s:4 Hp, 252 Sp.Attack, 252 Speed
Tri Attack
Recover/Nasty Plot/Substitute
I don't know if it's good and I would like some advice. Not only the moveset but also the nature,held item e.t.c
Lokks good... Adaptability powers up Tri Attack, I guess.
Hum... how about some little changes?
Trait: Adaptability
Modest@Choice Scarf
252 SAtk, Spd till you have at least 264 and the rest in HP
- Tri Attack
- Ice Beam
- Discharge
- Psychic/Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball
With 264 of speed and Choice Scarf, Porygon-Z is able to outrun anything besides Electrode (which nobody uses), Deoxys (which isn´t very used, specially on competitive battles due to its "uberness":P) and Ninjask (which is impossible to outrun due to Speed Boost). But if you want to outrun other "Choice Scarfed" pokemon, you may add more EVs on Spd.
Well... It´s a full-attack pokemon, not much to explain. But, unfortunately, this moveset looks useless against Magnezone. But I don´t know if it´s a reason to worry about. I´ve not seen many people using Magnezone, anyway...
i like it, but you could focus more in special att. it is a good pokemon and you could find a place for it in your party. maybe the starts are average but it has a good mooveset ( anyway i speak english because we are not in the greeck corner)!
ps: in my party i have 2 legentaries (mewtwo and deoxes=att) but i use them onli in big batles and because i like them, not because i need them!

If I were to use it in Double Battles, should I teach it Magnet Rise?(It changes ability to levitate)
It might be a good idea... So, you could do the "Leviquake" combo

Ah, and, if I´m not mistaken, Magnet Rise doesn´t really change your ability. You will be still with Adaptability and won´t be affect by ground moves.

Really? I've been defeated by Porygon-Z in Shoddy battle many times.
After a lot of attempts, I managed to catch a Modest Heatran with 28 Sp.Atk. IVs and 26-27 Speed IVs. What do you think of this set:
Heatran @ Choice Specs / Expert Belt
Flash Fire
Modest, 252 Sp.Atk, rest in Speed and HP, I am not sure about the exact numbers now
- Flamethrower / Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Dragon Pulse
- Overheat? / Explosion? / Something else?
So, Choice Speced Earth Power always 2HKOs Tyranitar and Rhyperior, even in Sandstorm (although both can OHKO you with EQ). A fire attack is obvious but I need help in which I should choose. Dragon Pulse always OHKOs Garchomp and Salamence with CS but I am not sure what happens with Expert Belt. About the last move, I have no idea. Explosion will never OHKO Blissey, not even if it switches in Stealth Rock. Overheat is good for early-game use, but only with CS. I am also thinking of Stealth Rock but w/o CS of course. Help plz.
i have a timid heatran with 30-31 ivs in spatk and 26-27 in speed!
well, heatran also can use dark pulse, but im not sure how much it does to gengar or alakazam. im not sure about explosion, but it still should do a lot of damage even with a -attack nature. if you want it to seem a little tankish, then go with fire plume, since it has a 30% chance of burn, ultimatly lowering attack, making it seem like your defense is higher.
stealth rock is still good,mine knows it, but i dont really use it that much. and if you had a powerful and useful HP, then you could use it, but its not likely.
I want a Gengar with the following moveset:
-Destiny bond
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
Which nature is better? Timid or Modest?
Timid is better for Gengar. With a max Sp.Atk. of 358 without a Sp.Atk. boosting nature, it's better to give its Speed a boost to reach 350. Otherwise, Modest Starmie/Alakazam can outrun it and OHKO with Psychic. Well, Alakazam is Timid 99% but anyway... Btw, never use an offensive Poison-type move. Grass Pokémon are not so popular and since Steel-types are often switch-ins to Gengar, it won't work. Thunderbolt must be used as it OHKOs Gyarados and does a lot of damage to Skarmory and Energy Ball is good for hitting Swampert. Focus Blast does great damage to Tyranitar (maybe OHKOs even in Sandstorm), but its accuracy is too low and if it misses, Tyranitar OHKOs with Crunch. So, I'd prefer Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball and Destiny Bond on Gengar. But that's your choice.
Well, I like to try Focus Blast. But since it has a low accuracy, I give that item that ups your accuracy to Gengar (I forgot its name xD).
Ah, and Focus Blast won´t OHKO Tyranitar only if the trainer gave him a lot of HP/SDef.
Aluado Wrote:Well, I like to try Focus Blast. But since it has a low accuracy, I give that item that ups your accuracy to Gengar (I forgot its name xD).
Nice idea, I should try that although I like Petaya Berry on Gengar.
Aluado Wrote:Ah, and Focus Blast won´t OHKO Tyranitar only if the trainer gave him a lot of HP/SDef.
Don't forget that Sandstorm ups the Sp.Defence of all Rock-type Pokémon by 50%. So, Tyranitar with its instant Sandstorm via Sand Stream raises its neutral nature/0 EPs Sp.Def. to 354 from 236 (max IVs). That makes Tyranitar quite bulky, don't you think?
I know that, but I´ve already fought many Tyranitares with my Gengar, and I also did the "calculations" (I forgot the right word again

) and I saw that Tyranitar will need many EVs on SDef for surviving a Focus Blast...
Well, then you should be right. But since there are so many different EV spreads for Tyranitar, I am still not sure about Focus Blast. Anyway, a heavy hitter like Gengar and Alakazam should be able to OHKO Tyranitar. Though I still prefer Electivire's Cross Chop/Infernape's Close Combat as a standard Fighting move. Talking about Electivire, which set is better:
Electivire @ Expert Belt
Adamant, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch
- Cross Chop
- EQ
Electivire @ Expert Belt
Lonely, 252 Atk, 200+ Speed, rest in Sp.Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Punch
- Cross Chop
- EQ
Although I don't like mixed sweepers, there are some reasons why I want T-Bolt over T-Punch. First, its base power is better. Second, Pokémon coverage. Most of the Pokémon weak to Electric have boosted Defense and not Sp.Def (except Milotic). Examples: Skarmory, non-Calm Mind Slowbro and Suicune, Gyarados. Skarmory is obvious, Slowbro and Suicune are used as Physical Walls most of the time and Gyarados has become really bulky in this gen, plus, it carries Intimidate. So, what do you think?
(Oh, and calculations is the correct word.)
hmm, well the first looks better to me, but the second still looks useful. it is something most ppl will not expect and can give you a suprise ko,but it also means less speed, though if you switch in on a thunder-bolt, then your speed should be fine.