Thus far, I like it. Imho it's way better than Black/White. The player's movement when throwing the Pokeball is now better, and I really like the battle menu. Black/White's was ****
Seriously, I cannot stand an ugly battle menu and the player's movement. Eg, in RSE, when in battle, the player wouldn't throw a Pokeball... His hand was like... it was holding something, but there was nothing in it! Nothing! So those two are welcome changes.

People, y u so dead?
Just saw how to obtain some of the medals. HAHAHAHAHA. GameFreak is insane. I don't know how high they were when they programmed the medal system. They are godamn difficult, not to mention unobtainable; no, 5+ of them are INDEED unobtainable. Think again why I hate Nintendo... >_>
Ok, you'll say you got a PS3, trophies, Platinum & Gold ones etc. NO! They are hard, I'll give you that. But you can get them.
*Earn over 1.000.000 xp in a day - Are you fuken serious?? I'll watse a day to get a Milotic to level 100??
I can do this all day long, but it wouldn't be different from wasting my time getting those 1.000.000 xp; but I'd like it! More than the specific medal.
Now, go see how Dugtrio moves in Black 2. That's for you Nintendo! >_>
If by any chance Wii U gets Trophies, I doubt it, good luck Wii U users. Haters gonna hate.
(29-10-2012 01:04 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]*Earn over 1.000.000 xp in a day
Breed a bunch of Ghost-type Pokémon that can learn Toxic.
Keep them at Lv.1.
Find the highest-leveled Audino in the game, I think it can go up to 59.
Toxic it and beat it with a Lv.1 Pokémon, holding Lucky Egg, preferably traded from another game.
Repeat a few times.
It's stupid, I'll give you that, but it's ridiculously easy.
Nice, you found a solution for this particular one. Let me see you finding a solution for the "Participate in a Funfest Mission with 30 People". Unless you want me to buy 30 DS's and 30 White 2/Black 2 game cards. Give me that as well. You can't even get the one with 10 people.
*Win 100 Funfest Missions - No, they're lame.
*Play 100 mini-games on the Xtransceiver - Are you serious? I didn't buy Pokemon to play such lame mini games.
*Win 30 Pokémon Musicals - No, Musical is lame.
*Test 50 teams in the Battle Institute - No comment.
*Have a Pokémon receive PokéRus - I don't care if I've done it. Getting Pokerus or even finding it is way more difficult than finding your first shiny.
*Find your first shiny - Yeah, okay. Even if you get that item, your chances are pretty low, Not to mention to get that, you need 600+ Pokemon. This one would be okay if Nintendo could let us trade a box. Buuuutttt.... no.
Ok, let's see your solutions on those.
Edit: For your solution, add a x2 XP in 3 minutes.

- Also, it's still time consuming after 60-70 level.
Well, that item for shiny Pokemon makes it easy. It just time consuming as most of the medals. Pokemon Musicals are lame, but they're easy... It's an easy medal, but quite annoying.
(29-10-2012 06:26 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]Edit: For your solution, add a x2 XP in 3 minutes.
- Also, it's still time consuming after 60-70 level.
Forgot about the powers, it's even easier now. Also, you don't battle Audino with a Lv.70 Pokémon, just breed about 20 Lv.1 ones.
As for the rest ones, most of them are just time consuming. If you decide that you want to collect all of the medals, you'll have to spend some time. It's similar to the Battle Tower/Frontier/Subway, if you decide that you want a good record, you'll have to spend time.
(29-10-2012 06:26 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]Unless you want me to buy 30 DS's and 30 White 2/Black 2 game cards. Give me that as well. You can't even get the one with 10 people.
The point of those achievements is to promote the multiplayer part of Pokémon. That said, it's easy to achieve in events, tournaments, conventions, etc. The fact that we don't have any in Greece doesn't matter to Game Freak.
Having more options is always welcome. The fact that they didn't add WiFi support, means they didn't take into consideration all players. And that's not something a company should do; especially one like Nintendo.
The story is better than Black/White.
I stopped playing Black/White because they couldn't compare to Black2/White2.
Been playing this during the last few months. I like the game very much. I also like the Medal Rally a lot and I'll try to collect as many as possible. The only unachievable is the host 30 people thing in my opinion. Join Avenue is a very nice addition to the games. I hope they'll keep it.
I have 134 medals including the "World Champions" medal. I felt so accomplished when I won that medal.
I had to battle Steven, Wallace, and Lance. (in that order)
It was the first time I've ever beaten Lance in the Champions Tournament.
I love Join Avenue. Mine is level 44.
I have a very big complaint though, the bike is AWFUL!
I just got my 5th and 6th badges yesterday and today. A question to everyone.
How easy (and time consuming) is it to do these two for the trainer card upgrades?
Complete all Pokéstar Studios movies, excluding Brycen-Man Strikes Back Harder
Get the Black and White Entree levels to 30 or higher
And how do I do the second one?
About the first Im not sure but I think it needs some time.As for the second one you just need to do missions on somebody else's world via entralink.As long as you find someone or you have 2 DS you can do it quite fast
I just got my Join Avenue up to level 49! (mostly in-game fans)
JUST defeated the E4 and Champion with ease, using 5 Pokemon.
Krookodile was amazing at the League, easily the MVP. Made me not miss Excadrill at all ( I had used it in Black).
Soooo, what can I do now after the league? And when can I challenge it again with the higher levels?
EDIT: I defeated Alder, beat the rival in Undella and also survived a hax war against Cynthia (although her Pokemon whera at level 80 and mine at 65 max).