09-04-2016, 09:06 PM
(09-04-2016 09:00 PM)VladdyHawkward Wrote: [ -> ]Warning! Extreme bullshit ahead! (Click to View)[20:17:12] * Joins: loukanikopita ([email protected])
[20:17:30] <loukanikopita> guess who's baack
[20:17:57] <VladdyHawkward> Let me guess...
[20:18:00] <VladdyHawkward> Ben Afleck?
[20:18:13] <VladdyHawkward> *Affleck
[20:18:32] <loukanikopita> no Josh Danish <3
[20:18:52] <VladdyHawkward> Who's that?
[20:19:39] <loukanikopita> a priest that jihads took as a hostage
[20:19:50] <VladdyHawkward> k
[20:21:50] <loukanikopita> i see a lot of life today
[20:22:01] <VladdyHawkward> k
[20:22:53] <%Caee> Don't start loukanikopita
[20:23:43] <loukanikopita> what do i start
[20:24:05] <VladdyHawkward> It was a warning before you start anything...
[20:24:12] <%Caee> -.-
[20:24:27] <Jacob> dont see the point in unbanning him over n over
[20:24:30] <%Caee> ...brb, I gotta hunt down my blue shirt again -.-
[20:24:45] <%Caee> Wait
[20:24:51] <%Caee> nvm, I was on my bed.
[20:24:52] <VladdyHawkward> Well,I only hope the ops are careful in case they permaban him.
[20:24:57] <Robin> Michele: do you like Rick Astley
[20:25:38] <VladdyHawkward> As I can see,we have the same internet service provider (OTE).
[20:26:52] <loukanikopita> well you wanna permabann me
[20:27:29] <Robin> Shut up loukanikopita
[20:27:48] <loukanikopita> so you didnt ban this guy
[20:27:51] <loukanikopita> good job
[20:28:11] <VladdyHawkward> loukanikopita,complaining about the ops wanting to permaban you is EXACTLY how you get permabanned. Which guy do you mean? o.O
[20:28:36] <Nyanko> Permaban yay!
[20:28:39] <Pyroar> nice got the science bobblehead
[20:28:41] <Nyanko> I wasn't following
[20:28:44] <%Caee> ...
[20:29:11] <%Caee> Some people are so stuck in their ways their head is like a veritable brick wall.
[20:29:18] <%Caee> Nothing gets through...
[20:29:28] <%Caee> It's called being hard headed.
[20:35:44] <Robin> Caee
[20:35:47] <Robin> Listen to this
[20:35:48] <Robin> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AC3Ejf7vPEY
[20:36:04] <loukanikopita> do you guys like sin boy
[20:36:30] <VladdyHawkward> Ummm loukanikopita,Sin Boy is a Greek artist. Most of the people here won't know him most likely.
[20:36:36] <%Caee> Hiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssss
[20:36:43] <%Caee> Nuuuuuuu! Nevah Robin!
[20:36:45] <loukanikopita> everybody knows him
[20:36:48] <loukanikopita> he is my cousin
[20:36:51] <loukanikopita> so you MUST know him
[20:36:52] <%Caee> Not everybody
[20:36:56] <%Caee> ... -.-
[20:36:57] <Robin> Please do Caee
[20:37:00] <Robin> It's good
[20:37:06] <%Caee> I'm not being Rick Rolled
[20:37:34] <loukanikopita> he is not close to religion thought]
[20:37:38] <%Caee> *** [ YOUTUBE ]: "Rick Astley - Keep Singing" [3mins 39secs] uploaded by RickAstleyVEVO (2016-04-06) | Views: 894,990 (+31819/-387)
[20:37:40] <loukanikopita> but he is a great singer
[20:37:45] <%Caee> ...
[20:37:59] <VladdyHawkward> Although I'm a big fan of KSHMR and his music,I find this awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TGVwD_LdY4
[20:38:26] <loukanikopita> check him outhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhFoQq7j...tml5=False
[20:38:35] <%Caee> ...
[20:38:50] <%Caee> I'd rather listen to anime theme songs and Owl City. Shoo shoo
[20:38:51] <loukanikopita> isnt it awesome
[20:39:05] <loukanikopita> VladdyHawkwardεσυ πρεπει να τον ξερεις
[20:39:17] <VladdyHawkward> He's wearing a Manchester United jacket. Therefore he's shit.
[20:39:27] <%Caee> LOL
[20:39:29] <%Caee> Burn!
[20:39:34] <loukanikopita> ολοι εσεις τον ζηλευετε
[20:39:40] <loukanikopita> εγω τον εχω ξαδερφο ομως
[20:39:59] <VladdyHawkward> Νταααξ ό,τι πεις.
[20:40:05] <loukanikopita> εχω παει και στη δισκογραφικη οταν εφτιαχνε ενα τραγουδι
[20:40:09] <loukanikopita> το dab
[20:40:11] <loukanikopita> το ξερεις?
[20:40:23] <VladdyHawkward> Όχι
[20:41:32] <loukanikopita> ελεος
[20:41:54] <VladdyHawkward> Σόρι φίλε,ακουώ μόνο καλή μουσική.
[20:42:42] <loukanikopita> δηλαδη ο σιν μπου δν ειναι καλη μουσικη?
[20:43:06] <VladdyHawkward> Nope.
[20:43:19] <Robin> Caee
[20:43:28] <Robin> That isn't the video used for rick rolls
[20:44:03] <Robin> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzxrzFCyOs
[20:44:07] <Robin> This is the one
[20:44:37] <Robin> Don't assume its Rick Rolling due to Rick Astley being the artist
[20:44:41] <Robin> scrub
[20:45:07] <loukanikopita> δηλαδη τωρα τι να σε πω
[20:45:16] <%Caee> ...
[20:45:49] <VladdyHawkward> Λάτρη της καλής μουσικής.
[20:46:18] <Robin> Astley made a comeback in 2007, becoming an Internet phenomenon when his video "Never Gonna Give You Up" became integral to the meme known as "rickrolling".
[20:46:25] <loukanikopita> ρε μαν ειδικα αμα εισαι κατω απο 18 πρεπει να σε αρεσει ο σιν
[20:46:37] <loukanikopita> εκτος αμα εισαι πανω οποτε σε δικαιολογω
[20:46:41] <VladdyHawkward> Και γιατί πρέπει να μου αρέσει ο Sin?
[20:46:56] <loukanikopita> γτ ειναι in
[20:47:04] <VladdyHawkward> Ε και?
[20:47:05] <loukanikopita> ασε που βγαζει τραγουδαρες
[20:47:16] <loukanikopita> και ειναι συγγενης μου
[20:47:20] <VladdyHawkward> Τραγουδάρες ό,τι πρέπει για να ξεράσεις τα σωθικά σου.
[20:47:26] <VladdyHawkward> Κι επειδή είναι συγγενής σου?
[20:47:37] <loukanikopita> ειναι *κολοκύθι*
[20:47:47] <VladdyHawkward> Δεν πάει να είναι και 1ος ξάδερφος του John Lennon,εμένα τι με νοιάζει?
[20:48:22] <loukanikopita> κατσε εισαι πανω απο 18 η κατω?
[20:48:26] <VladdyHawkward> 16,5
[20:48:42] <loukanikopita> πρωτη πας¨?
[20:48:56] <VladdyHawkward> Τι πρώτη ρε? Του χρόνου δίνω πανελλήνιες...
[20:49:05] <loukanikopita> α δευτερα
[20:49:07] <loukanikopita> λυκειου ελεγα..
[20:49:44] <loukanikopita> εγω πρωτη
[20:49:51] <loukanikopita> ο θοδωρης απευθυνεται σε ατομα σαν εμας
[20:50:01] <loukanikopita> ε αμα δν σε αρεσει εισαι απολυτιστος
[20:50:27] <VladdyHawkward> *αν σου αρέσει είσαι απολίτιστος
[20:51:26] <loukanikopita> εμεις ετσι το λεμε
[20:51:35] <loukanikopita> δν ξερω πως το λετε στην προτευουσα
[20:51:56] * Joins: Axew ([email protected])
[20:52:26] * Quits: Twiggy ([email protected]) (Ping timeout: 122 seconds)
[20:52:52] * Joins: TYROPITA ([email protected])
[20:52:59] <TYROPITA> GEIA SAS
[20:53:11] <VladdyHawkward> And now he's using alt accounts...
[20:53:23] <TYROPITA> eimai i tyropita
[20:53:31] <VladdyHawkward> Caee,you know what to do
[20:53:37] <TYROPITA> i am the tyropita
[20:53:31] <VladdyHawkward> Caee,you know what to do
[20:53:37] <TYROPITA> i am the tyropita
[20:53:46] * Joins: Swifty ([email protected])
[20:53:46] * Latios sets mode: +h Swifty
[20:53:56] <VladdyHawkward> Ah! There you go!
[20:54:11] <%Caee> Ban?
[20:54:28] <loukanikopita> what?
[20:54:36] <VladdyHawkward> I'd say warn and/or kick one of them,but do whatever you want. You're the op.
[20:54:38] <TYROPITA> hello
[20:54:44] <TYROPITA> it's me
[20:54:46] <%Caee> I hope this is done right
[20:54:47] <TYROPITA> i've been wondering
[20:54:50] * Caee sets mode: +b *!*@SystemNet-D3E1D528.home.otenet.gr
[20:54:57] * TYROPITA was kicked by Caee (Caee)
[20:55:03] * loukanikopita was kicked by Caee (Caee)
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