I slap you because Fairies are awesome!!!!
I slap you because this is not the lying thread.This is the slap thread.
I slap you because Fairy Type is awesome! No lie.
I slap you because Fairy-type is as awesome as a lv1 Magikarp with 0 IVs and 0 EVs,which has swallowed an Everstone and only knows Splash.
I slap you to ask why you won't give Fairy type a chance.
Because there will be only girly Fairies.
I slap you for liking sth girly.
I slap you because I like many girly things. I'm secure in my masculinity which apparently YOU'RE NOT! Not to mention, girls are girly. Forgive me for being a guy and liking hot and sexy girly girls.
I slap you because that's enough!
I lol'ed!
I slap you because I won this and you know it

(30-07-2013 06:07 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you for liking sth girly.
i slap you both for making assumptions about the type without even knowing what it will end up as.
I slap GD because he made me laugh so hard!You're such a good friend,GD!
I slap King because we all know Fairy will be a failure.

I slap No.412 because I know all I need to know. Fairy is super-effective against Dragon. That alone makes it a winner in my book.
I slap 888 because do you want to get me started again? Also, I liek making people laugh

I slap you because *cough* Ice is Super effective in Dragon.Also,it's Super effective against Flying and Ground (which means 4X super effectiveness against most of the Dragon types).Fairy is only Super effective against Dragon.We don't know anything about Flying and Ground,which makes me a winner.
Also,Ice is super effective against Grass.Your name is Grassdragon.

You only know about the Super effectiveness against Dragon and you're much happier than a 3 year old which gets as a present a big toy,imo.
I slap you because Ice Type is one of my least favorite types. The only other thing super-effective to Dragon is Dragon. Then it all comes down to who's stronger and faster.
Fairy will balance the scales for me.
I slap myself because Serebii wrote:
Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 - Shiny Dialga, Palkia & Giratina Event
For those in the North America, a new event has been revealed by The Pokémon Company to run in Gamestop. This event is to run from August 19th 2013 to September 8th 2013 and is to offer a download of a Shiny Dialga. On September 9th to September 29th, a Shiny Palkia will be distributed and from September 30th to October 20th, a shiny Giratina will be distributed. We'll provide full details of the Pokémon as soon as possible.
I slap you because the same occurs with the Ghost type.Ghosts are weak to Ghost and Dark.Also,they can't be hit by Normal and Fighting attacks.
Also,the fact that Ice is your least favourite type doesn't mean anything.
Nintendo could have made some stronger Ice types and attacks/abilities/pokemon so people can use Hail teams,which can hit Dragons.
Making a new type,whatever is the name and element,in order to make Dragons weaker can result in either the new Ice type or the new Dragon type.Then,2 generations later,we will have a new strong type (I say Ghost) and Nintendo will make the Light type which is super effective against Ghost.
Am I the only one who doesn't find it logic?