Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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aluado no need just type darv xD

and i slap u cause u r sooo bored to write my whole nickname -.-
* fr3quency slaps darvor because i want to win 3 master contests, too
i slap you cause i am in a hurry,
I slap you because you used a random , for no particular reason.

suicunejohn o elinas

I slap you because you are online.
*slaps suicunejohn because he has a flying penguin as an avatar
i slap fr3quency cause he changed his avatar
i slap ypu because my new avatar is cool ^^
I slap you 'cause mine is better Toungue
I slap you, cause mine is the best of all!!!

suicunejohn o elinas

I slap you because I have a flying Penguin XD
* Pr. Birch slaps you because he has better eyes than your penguin's
* Darvor slaps u .
* fr3quency slaps darvor because he doesn't have a ps3
Aluado slaps fr3quency because he´s tired of speaking in third person!
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