I slap LuX for not understanding Calculus
I slap Alcovich because the limit as x approaches a constant is always that constant

It's one of the rules of Calculus.
I slap you because I guess so? I'm fairly new to Calculus, so I'll take your word (and your slap) for it.
i slap you because my poor brain's about to explode...can't you talk about something common mortals like me can understand?

I slap you because all common mortals should be able to understand that the derivative of a constant is zero

Calculus ftw <3
I slap you because I got back my maths test today and had the amazing score of 1 (1 out of 20 which is the highest) XD so I guess I have a pretty good reason for not understanding calculus.....
i slap u cos i god but u no. Who god? I god!
I slap you because you are not God and will not be getting any of my sacrifices.

I slap you because I am (probably) back! also you are new(ish)
I slap you to say welcome back
I slap you for welcoming Dunsparce back

I slap you for the sake of MemoServ
I slap you for slapping a slapped splapper
I slap you because my 5IV Contrary Serperior is awesome
I slap you because you're obsessed with that Contrary Serperior.
I slap you because it's too damn overpowered!
I also slap you because I have a total of 219 battle points now