(03-09-2013 12:35 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you because I'm at Church in that picture. I'm wearing an Alb. I'm an Altar Server. (also called Altar Boy)
The differences are small but some of them are really important.
Such as Transubstantiation and the Hypostatic Union.
I know Protestants don't believe in the Transubstantiation, (when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus during Communion). It's important.
I'm not sure if they believe in the Hypostatic Union. (it states that Jesus is 100% man and 100% divine. It's very important.
Nice , reminds me of Italy. lol
anyway , The orthodox also go by those two beliefs. Iirc , i think the only difference between the two main churches is basically only the pope, or things that are connected to him.
I double slap you because i forgot to slap you earlier
I slap you because we double-posted!
(03-09-2013 12:44 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you because it seems that the Latin Catholics place more importance on the Virgin Mary than Jesus, according to my observations.
I'm not sure what's up with that.
I slap you because all Catholics place importance on the Virgin Mary. She's rather important because she's the Mother of Jesus.
Also we believe she was conceived without sin. We pray to Mary, as well as all the saints and angels, to intercede on our behalf, just like you might ask your friends to pray for you.
I slap you because
Bulbapedia Wrote:A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack (481,266,000 damage) under the following conditions:
Both allies in a triple battle use Helping Hand
Both allies have the Ability Flower Gift and the weather is sunny
Shuckle holds a Metronome
Shuckle has used Power Trick
Shuckle has the Ability Pure Power as a result of Skill Swap
It is the 5th turn of using a Defense Curl-boosted Rollout consecutively without any misses
Rollout is a critical hit
The target is a level 1 Ledyba, Yanma or Combee
Shuckle has 6 Attack boosts and the target has 6 Defense drops
Shuckle has its maximum Defense stat (with IVs, EVs and Nature taken into account) and the target likewise has its minimum Defense stat
I slap you because I hate Shuckle. It's too weak.

(aside from ^)
I slap you because Shuckle can Toxic stall an unsuspecting Pokemon!
I slap you because no one has responded to Ask the person below you a question in awhile.
i slap you because i accidentally cut myself AGAIN today
2 times -_-
this has to stop....seriously....i get cut almost every day
and i'm bleeding!!! =^=
I slap you because I'm constantly trying to walk through walls.
I slap you because I buy absolutely nothing that is presented to me through TV advertisements.
I slap you because I'm so excited about Pokemon X and Y.
I slap you because
"What has four legs, then two legs, and finally three legs?"
"That's simple. The answer is Man, because-"
"I'm sorry, but the answer is a baby. It crawls around on four legs, but cut off two limbs and it can only wriggle around on two. Give it a crutch and it can hobble around on three."
"That's horrible! How can you even joke about that?"
"Easily. It's not my baby."
Little gem from Batman: Arkham Asylum that I found.
I slap you for posting that sick joke!
I slap you for not laughing at my sick joke! Besides, I had nothing better to post.
Quote from the Riddler, in one of his collectible interview tapes.
Do you play Batman: Arkham Asylum/City?
I slap you because I don't like Batman.
I slap you again because this is not the question thread!