Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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George7 slaps deozard because he hates Ael and deozards
* Celesi slaps George7 because his name on Devart is George5
George7 slaps Celesi because he wants to sleep
* fr3quency slaps george7 because he slapped celesi who slapped george7 who slapped deozard who slapped me!
George7 slaps fr3quency because he watches spongebob
* fr3quency slaps Goerge, because Makis knows Victoria's secret
Deozard slaps fr3quency cause makhs knows what are the arximhdhs circles
* fr3quency slaps deozard because erwjguftildof
George7 slaps Deozard because he is an nemo
deozard slaps george because i am not an emo or nemo
* Inu slaps deozard because deozard does not use punctuation. s:
DJIGA1 slaps DJIGA1 because he has not sighn in for a long time...
deozard slaps djiga1 because vvvvvvvv
djiga1 slaps deozard because vvvvvvvv
* Celesi slaps DJIGA1 because she's bored of vvvvvvvvs
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