Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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I slap you for flapping Fluttershy's wings approximately 124935484956346,211235354π times.
I slap you because Fluttershy am best pony <3
i slap you coz she's not
I slap you because you're wrong.
I slap you because your pony is cute
I almost want to not slap you for complimenting Fluttershy...
I slap you anyways
I slap u because you slapped me !p
I slap you andreaskal14.
i slap you because you DARED and mis-spelled my nickname! Toungue
I slap you because I can.
[Image: 19310652.jpg]
I slap you because I'm a potato.
i slap you because for once i agree with you
[Image: mrbxok.jpg]
may potatos rule the earth
I slap you for the ZERG (and Chrysalis)
I slap you because you have cheese legs.
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