Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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Aluado slaps THE CrEaToR because I also wanna play this game.Toungue
* Eraleas slaps Aluado cos it's just fun to slap someone when you wake up.
*treecok slaps eraleas for waking up.
*The CrEaToR slaps treecko3453 just 4 fun.
* fr3quency slaps THE CrEaToR because he likes WoW
*THE CrEaToR slaps fr3quency because he likes DragonBall.
ewwww you like it too Toungue

* fr3quency slaps THE CrEaToR because he doesnt know what Onimusha is.
That's trueToungue

*THE CrEaToR slaps fr3quency because I'm going to buy Pearl!?!?!
* fr3quency slaps THE crEaToR because fr3quency bough Diamond lolwot
*I slap Fr3quency because he I like playing this game*
I slap Kalas because he went to Plaisio lolwut :<
*THE CrEaToR slaps fr3quency 'cause he has Goku avatar.
*treeecko slaps creator because he has a naruto avatarBig Grin!
I slap treecko because i have a 16lv budew D:
*Charizard2005 slaps fr3quency for no particular reason.
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