Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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*THE CrEaToR slaps Aluado 'cause I wanna slap someone.
*I slap THE CrEaToR because I'm bored.
*treecko slaps charizard because charizard has nothing fun to do.
*JimLink slaps treecko because I am the new champion in the shinoh region
i slap jimlink cause my small brother pwned me at battle :S Toungue
*treecko slaps darvor because his LITTLE brother beat him in a battle. lol.
I slap treecko because I want an electric pokemon.
*treecko slaps creator because the creator wants an electric type and will probably get a slow luxray.
* fr3quency slaps treecko because i got manaphy Toungue
*JimLink slaps fr3quency because propably has pokemon ranger
* fr3quency slaps Jimlink because some other guy traded it to me.
djiga slaps fr3quency because.....i don't know...
* fr3quency slaps Djiga because he doesnt know why he slapped me
i slap fr3quency because he doesnt know why he slapped me...
I slap DJIGA because he likes Mew.
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