i slap you because yeah,i almost cry everytime =^= but the rest of it is great XD
I slap you because I love Fire Emblem: Awakening. (I'm playing through it again for the fifth time)
Alcovich Wrote:If you want to see a picture of me, just follow this Link.
Hah? Hah? Get it? Link? Eh? Eh...
nobody understands Zelda jokes
(I PM'd this to GD in response to his picture of himself.)
(02-09-2013 02:52 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Alcovich Wrote:If you want to see a picture of me, just follow this Link.
Hah? Hah? Get it? Link? Eh? Eh...
nobody understands Zelda jokes
(I PM'd this to GD in response to his picture of himself.)
When I saw that Link was capitalized, I figured Link form Zelda was going to appear.
(01-09-2013 10:48 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you because I love Fire Emblem: Awakening. (I'm playing through it again for the fifth time)
i slap you because i played the demo and i'm seeriously in love with it
but i have no money

I slap you because you should ask for it for your birthday. It's really addicting. It's one of the best non-Pokemon game I've ever played!!!
I slap you because people say the newer Pokemon is geared for younger audiences than the older Pokemon, but it's really not. It's just not.
Especially the "Mystery Dungeon" series.
I slap you because I think it's the opposite. The newer Pokemon games are geared more toward the older kids. Team Plasma and animal rights. (They deal with real life issues)
(02-09-2013 05:46 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you because you should ask for it for your birthday. It's really addicting. It's one of the best non-Pokemon game I've ever played!!!
i slap you because i don't get stuff for my birthday anymore....-_- f**k life
I slap you because people automatically think that because young kids play Pokemon, then it must be for young kids.
i slap you because i kinda miss hachi

i haven't talked with hm in ages...(more like a month or so XD )
I slap you because I miss him too.
(01-09-2013 10:26 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ] (01-09-2013 04:50 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I slap you because if you want to see a picture of me, just follow this link.
I slap you because this is a picture of me! Also Ninjas are cool.
I slap you because it looks very religious. Although everything apart from the clothes looks surprisingly familiar. actually , i've been looking into Christian denominations and found that they're actually a lot more similar than i thought. their differences (at least , when it comes to the big ones , (Catholic , Orthodox , Anglican , Presbyterian , Baptist and Lutheran ) the differences really do seem to be tiny/
minor details. )
In the meantime , i also found out that Reddit is bad only when it comes to the big subreddits. There's quite a few (much) smaller ones that actually have pretty decent communities. I also found
this. It's pretty big actually , but is good. (i think it has the best member-to-good-community ratio i've ever seen.) i found it pretty interesting and thought you two might as well.
I slap you because I'm at Church in that picture. I'm wearing an Alb. I'm an Altar Server. (also called Altar Boy)
The differences are small but some of them are really important.
Such as Transubstantiation and the Hypostatic Union.
I know Protestants don't believe in the Transubstantiation, (when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus during Communion). It's important.
I'm not sure if they believe in the Hypostatic Union. (it states that Jesus is 100% man and 100% divine. It's very important.
I slap you because it seems that the Latin Catholics place more importance on the Virgin Mary than Jesus, according to my observations.
I'm not sure what's up with that.
I slap you again because eating the body and blood of Christ at Communion reminds me of cannibalism.

JK, of course.
I slap you a third time because Roman Catholic Crusaders sacked Constantinople, another Christian city (Eastern Orthodox).
I then proceed to slap you a fourth time because I enjoy slapping you.