NM2 slaps DJIGA because NM2 has both Lugia and Ho-Oh.
(@ Aluado: The Pokémon I will name Naruto will be Lucario for his Aura Sphere looks like the Rasengan. Sasuke looks like something more deadly like Mewtwo or maybe Electivire [Thunderbolt=Chidori?])
djiga slaps nm2 because djiga has completed the pokedex...
I slap DJIGA b/c he has completed the pokedex
@ Aluado:I named my Infernape Naruto, my Roselia Sakura, my Riolu Sasuke, my Staravia Kakashi, and my Alakazam Gaara. I need one more nickname for my Floatzel.
I slap the Creator because he couldn't think that Zabuza is the best nick for Floatzel.
I slap NM2 because I thought it about 10 minutes after the post.
djiga slaps nm2 because djiga has enter the pokemon league right now...
I slap DJIGA because he was supposed to slap me.
i slap the creator because i want to slap the creator...
I slap DJIGA because I guess "Gaara" is better for a Garchomp.
i slap aluado because he is my friend...
I slap DJIGA for slapping a friend of his.

* fr3quency slaps Aluando because I just came back from athens.
djiga slaps fr3quency because i woke up 5 o' clock...
* fr3quency slaps DJIGA because i cant find a LONELY elekid =(
i slap u cause the other net cafe is closed...