Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Slap the person above you and give a weird reason for it.
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deozard slaps frequency because he slaps all the others
mirka slaps Aluado and tell him that that cant be don,and beacuse I started a new game at pkmn diamond -lol,j-k-and beacuse he was late to write at his fanfic and mirka was very very bored Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue
deozard slaps mirka for splaping aluado and not me
mirka slaps deozard just beacuse he is nagging and beacuse his sig is cool...
deozard slaps mirka for slaping him too fast
i slap all of u cause i had 2 months to log in to forum
deozard slaps trainer darvor gr because i need to train in my slaps
mirka slaps deozard cause he has a deoxys (in sig)
Aluado slaps mirka because Aluado lost at battle tower because a stupid Raichu´s Focus Band worked three times in a row. ¬¬
deozard slaps Aluado for training
drAgAr slaps deozard because he has almost only legendary at his trainer card Toungue
* fr3quency slaps Dragar_-_ because spam rocks
George slaps himself for not leaving and staying with such idiots!!!!!!!

Aluado slaps George7 because Aluado finally wrote another part of his fanfic!
deozard slaps Aluado cause he has better fanfic from me
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