Done! But... ahem, you'll be running so fast that the attrition of your body with the air will make you catch fire!
I wish there's a Battle Frontier in LG, too! (although I know ther's not...)
Done!But it will be impossible for you to win!
I wish I had a pet
Done! But soon or later it will attack you fiercely... I wish I had all vido games...
(Can a pet pincher for example harm me?)
Done!But you will have no money!
I wish I could travel all around the world.
(You never know...

Done! But in the you'll be VERYYY tired...
I wish I beat the Palace Maven when I see him!
Done!But the next trainer will deafeat you...
I wish I could train a Snorlax to lvl 100 in one day
You are in the game now...
He will sit on you!
I wish I could have one less symbol in battle frontier
Done! But you won't save!
I wish there are no glitches, bugs, etc. in D&P.
HAHAHHAHAH!!!I said less!!!
I tricked you!!!
Now D/P won't released because bugs were needed to activate the program
where's your wish pokefan?
But if you want one symbol less and you didn't save, I guess you lost the symbols you earned before saving, don't you think?
And where's your wish?
Actually if he didn't save whatever he wanted to do was not saved!So the wish was turned into Doom Desire successfully...
I wish the wish I'll do could not turn in Doom Desire in either way
You made two wishes so I choose to make your second wish true

You will conquer the universe but the united forces of Humans and Alliens will start fighting against you and eventually deafeat you.
I wish that noone wishes that the wish he'll do will not turn in Doom Desire in either way

Done! So everyone's wishes, including yours, will turn in a Doom Desire, anyway!
I wish to find another Master Ball.