Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done, but it will suck and make no sense. (I'm working on it.)
I wish I commanded all the Alakazams in the world.
Done, but the person who commands all the Heracrosses will defeat you.

I wish the next update for Pokemon X and Y will be the evolutions for the starters.
Done, but they will suck and Fennekin will be another Fire-Fighting.

I wish Xatotu would hurry up with the next PokeGen update.
Done, but it will be super awesome and you won't be able to download it.

I wish I knew why bug is super-effective to dark.
Done, but the reason is so complex that your head will explode.
I wish =0.
done , but it's suddenly divided.

i wish i made sense
Done, but what makes sense to you will be nonsense to everyone else.

I wish MyHuhArrowExclamation
Purple , 4 hats minus keys coaster caster.

Seventy twelve you alien DVD. (GRASSDRAGON WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.)
SleepyMyAngel:rolleyes:gargantuan porcupines plethora pumpernickel

I desire electronegative Swiss derivatives with a side of Thermopylae.
Done, but your crush dies.

I wish Grassdragon was immortal but not invincible.
Done, but I'm invisible!

I wish Terraplant was the Pokemon Grand Champion of Champions!
Done, but he is beaten by Blue.
I wish Blue beat Red for the Championship.
Done, but they will both be beaten by Grassdragon for the Championship!!!!

I wish Arceus could have dual type plates.
Done, but they prevent Arceus from using any moves.
I wish Red was an NPC in X and Y.
Done, but it's impossible to defeat him.

I wish Team Rocket would appear in Pokemon X and Y.
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