Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done! But you will die from hot weather!
I wish.... somthing!
Done! But this 'sth' would be 'nothing'.
I wish I had a house in USA.
Done! But an aeroplane will crash into it.
I wish this summer would continue forever...
Done! But you will get bored
I wish chelsea wouldn't be killed by terrorists.
Done! But you would be sooo bored that you would jump from the top of your house and die.
I wish i would met Shakira and nothing bad happen to her, me, the universe and dont have a bad or a worse conservation!
Wait? Why i would get bored? Because chelsea is alive?
Done! But you will never meet her.
I wish Greece would win the Mundobasket 2006.
Sorry for the interruption again.Lucario and Prof Birch YOU SHOULD follow the RULE.I didn't delete all of you illegal posts because I would have to delete some legal posts as well.
Done! But Greece won't win anymore!
I wish Brazil would win all the future worldcups! (of everything!)

P.S= Blue, after interrumpting, you could wish, too...Wink
Done! But with that player, Barejao who is a scoundrel, you will nener won.
I wish Zisis was ok and could play in the final against Spain!
(Off the record,I hope your wish come true..Smile)
Done! But you will fall asleep and miss the game!
I wish I knew everything!
done. but your brain will be so heavy that it will drag your head down to the floor 4evr.
i wish m. jordan will bcome a bball player again.
Done! But he is very old, so he won't play!
I wish I was the best football and basketball player! (That's a crazy dream but... Oh, well!)
Done! But your trainer skills would be awful!
I wish I could meet Skull X! (it's a girl's nickname who I met on the internet and became friends)
Done! But you won't like her.
I wish I could make a videogame.
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