Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done, but you will have stomache instead of headache Toungue

I wish i had NFS PROSTREET for ps2!!!
Done, but the goverment votes for a law that forbids any existance of old consoles including ps2, so you can't play it anyways! Toungue

I wish I had more time to play ZELDA and draw...
Done,but then you will get bored of Zeld and drawing

I wish i had a wii and pokemon battle revolution now...

suicunejohn o elinas

Done,but you lose.
I wish I.....wans't bored
Done, you´re not bored. You already died from boring!!!
I wish I had something better to eat now than ramen...
Aluado Wrote:Done, but it´ll explode (?)
I wish to know what is a Buggati Veyron (does it explode, btw?Toungue)

It is a car and it doesn't explode that easily.
I wish for a German version of Pokemon Emerald(LOL).
done but you won't be able to play it cause it'll be broken
i wish i had a missingno on my emld
Done, but it's gonna destroy ur save file.

I wish i had a Mac Book Pro.
done if u want NO PROB Toungue

i wish celesi had more time to draw Toungue
Done, but someone will cut her hand...

I wish Vista would use less RAM.
done but then u r pc would be crashed and u should have to use xp again.

i wish i had more pokemon artwork Wink
Done, but ur house will be on fire tomorrow morning....

I wish my hair could give me the power to defy gravity :PPP
done but then u cant land urself ;P

i wish i hadnt headache.
Done,but you will go to school.
I wish for 1000000000 euros(LOL).
Done, but they are from MONOPOLY!

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