Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done... but you were inside the school when it was blown away Toungue
I wish I could play Team Gallactic´s battle theme on piano perfectly soon... It´s almost perfect, but I can´t make it any better! >.<
Done, but your piano will explode (how can a piano explode you ask? well... IT DOES)

I wish I could draw some really nice wolves instead of that freakish-stupid ones I have already made Sad
Done,but when you''l do the wolves somebody will cut your paper!(the wolves you have already done are perfect!)

I wish i was married with Avril Lavigne!!!(lolL)ToungueToungue
Done, but whence you do so, you'll understand that she really is a freakin expunk ego-emo fashion victim :evil:

I wish we'll have only 2 hours of lesson tommorow too...
Done, but the next day, you will have 15 hours.

I wish i had a motorbike
Done, but your parents will destroy it xDDD

I wish I could start guitar lessons next year (or cello~)
Done, but the second lesson will be very bad

I wish I had a Mew!
Done, but your game will be erased and a Shiny Celebi (pink eww) will steal your DS

I wish I could return to the past and save Leopleurodons from being extinct (WTF!)
Done, but you´ll be trapped forever there. And because you changed the past, you changed the future and the present too, so nothing fun will exist anymore! Even pokemon!!!

I wish what I said never happens. xD
Done, but a mutant liopleurodon-tyranitar kills you (um... i'm so bored that i don't know what i'm typing XD)

I wish I didn't have to wake up early this weekend
Done, but you´ll have to wake up even earlier every other day!

I wish it was easier to get nice pokemon at GTS...
done. but u dont have pokemon that they want xD

i wish i will have less work tomorow (i dont want a lot xD )
Done, but you will have to work for 15 hours the day after tomorrow.

I wish i had the next gen~ of pokemon.
Done, but it won´t save.

I wish I could trade some unseen pokemon at GTS... This way I won´t ever complete the National Dex >.<
Done, but your battery falls when the game is saving, and your game is erased

I wish it could snow, so I won't have to go to school
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