Legendary Pokémon

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Done, but chocolate disappears.

I wish everyone was happy,thin and could play pokemon and chocolate didn't disappear.
done but all colors are lost

i wish for all the above plus colors
Done, but I can't think of a way to ruin it so I die.

I wish for true love.
do you mean for yourself or generally?anyway,i've got the perfect way to ruin it!!!everyone turns yandere and we all die horrible deaths XD

i wish for world peace
Done,but I start a war. Toungue

I wish I had the ability to read minds,be invisible and walk through walls (I can activate my powers whenever I want too. Toungue)
Done, but it only works for 30 minutes every day.
I wish I could meet Ho Chi Minh.
Done,but you have to die in order to meet him.
Also,30 mins is the perfect amount for me. Toungue

I wish I was more wild.
Done, but you are forced to live in the wild in order to be more wild.
I wish I could have the power to travel back in time to the Vietnam War.
Done,but you get killed by a Murrican. Toungue

I wish I was God. Toungue
saying "done but..." is immpossible in this case...you can't be God...sorry bro Toungue

i wish you got what i'm trying to say here... Toungue
Done, but we never understand anything you say ever again.

I wish for more blue stuff.
Done but half of the blue stuff is actually red.
I wish for the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet.
Done, but the Dalai Lama gets shot by Tibetan.

I wish that everybody loved math.
Done,but then you hate maths and you wish the opposite.

I wish I could cook methamphetamine like Walter White. Toungue
Done, but everybody who eats it dies.

I wish I knew what the heck you were talking about Toungue
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