done but you die before you can watch them all (also check out psycho-pass if you haven't i loved it)
i wish i had more free time for anime and music and books
Done, but you fail in school and you never get a job so you can never afford to watch anime listen to music or read books
I wish LuXray was a Shroomish.
Done but all Pokemon revolt against humans and you are killped by LuX.
i wish my next wish will have no trick to it
Done, but the wishes of all of the people you love will end in catastrophe.
I wish for popcorn.
done but the popcorn mutates and strangles you to death. (a new way of choking on popcorn

i wish that i had the ability to transform
Done, but you transform into a Magikarp that has swallowed an Everstone and you can't transform anymore nor can you evolve
I wish for Gen VII of Pokemon to be announced tomorrow

my wish has no tricks remember, you even granted it. :/
Done. You are granted the ability to transform, but every time you activate it, you forfeit a piece of your soul and shorten your lifespan by ~10 (human) years. Also, you must transform into something that exists. (No dragons/elves/Greek or Roman or Norse gods/etc.)
I wish I could live comfortably on Saturn's moon Titan.
Done, but you will die there and never see your family or loved ones again.
I wish for Gen VII of Pokemon to be announced tomorrow

Done, but the president of Nintendo personally assures that you will never even see the game, much less own it. And everybody will run around playing Gen VII and you will be sad.
I wish that Daddy would love Mommy again.

Done, but then the planets would align and everybody would die.
I wish for cookies.
done but you end up eating way too many and get ridiculously fat and you can never move again
i wish i had cool hair (like in anime

Done, but your new Anime Hair sticks up so high that you can never walk through a doorway again.
I wish the wish that is wished most of all.
done but it's such a wishy wish that no one likes it and you die (wtf?)
i wish my dog would stop stealing my stuff
Done, but then it eats all of your family's food (except for yours) and they all die.
I wish I could find my mom a Christmas present.