Done,but when Mewtwo changes form,the game erases all data about Fairy types!
I wish this information is not true.Or else Fairy is weak to Fire and my Ninetales will BURN SOME FAIRIES WITH STAB FIRE BLAST WITH SUN BOOST!

Fire takes half damage from Fairy attacks.
Done, but it's still true.
I wish that they would make the following: Grass/Dragon, Grass/Fairy, and Ghost/Fairy.
Done,but for a really weird (

) reason,Hachi bombs Nintendo for ruining the Ghost type.
I wish Fairies didn't look so girly.Then,I might like the new type.
Marill and Xerneas are girly to you?
Also since Fairy is supereffective against Dragon and Dark, that means 4X against Hydregion. Sorry Hachi.
Done, but Bidoof becomes a Fairy.
I wish I knew what the scoop of the century is going to be.
Done,but a new type appears which is Super Effective against Fairy and has no weaknesses.And it looks masculine.
And yes,Marill is girly.Xerneas is not that girly,but still.It deserved to be an Ice type.It used Ice Beam in a video!
I wish Xerneas was a pure Ice type.
No, Just no.
I wish my sweetheart loved me.
Done,but her boyfriend kills you.
I wish I had a holographic Ninetales!
Done, but it kills you with STAB Fire Blast.
[off-topic]I think that Mewtwo Y is the Mewtwo we know and love, and its new form is Mewtwo X.[/off-topic]
I wish the new Mewtwo form was killed by the original Mewtwo form.
Done,but this means Mewtwo commits suicide.
I wish I was bulletproof.
Done, but at the cost of an arm and a leg.
I wish I had a shiny holographic Charizard card.
Done, but it's only move is Scratch that does 10 damage.
I wish I had a regular Darkrai card. I have a Darkrai level X but I can't use it.

Done, but it is in really bad condition and unusable. And a kid drew on the front with crayon.
I wish I was a Scyther in the Pokemon world.
Done, but you cut yourself and die.
I wish I was a Lucario in the Pokemon world.
Done, but you are paralyzed and can never move again and are left to die by your Trainer.
I wish Earth had Pokemon.
Done,but there are no Poke Balls or Apricorns and then the Army fights them.The motto will be ''Gotta Kill Them All!''

I wish I didn't wish for sth,even though I'm wishing for not wishing for sth.