Done, but it'll stop forever for everything else! So you won't be able to eat, to have fun...
I wish when you tried to pick up my chain, it would shock you and return to me!
done. but i will be wearing rubber gloves and will not be shocked.
i wish whatever i touch will not be stopped forever.
Done, but everything you touch will explode!
I wish my chain would wrap you instead.
done. but i will have telekinesis and use my esp to make the chain wrap around you instead.
i wish that everything that exploded was explosion-proof.
Done! So it proves that the things weren't explosion-proof after all! (They already exploded...)
I wish I could use Nebula Storm then!

Done. but my esp protects me from anything you can throw at me and gives it it back to you.
i wish that my wish was anti doom desire-able and it wasn't turned into a bad thing.
Done! But it'll turn into nothing instead! XD
I wish you were hit by Nebula Storm anyway, 'cause it doesn't throw anything in you! Nebula Storm is the ultimate wind attack... (with infinite power...

Done. but using my esp, i will recover and be even stronger and i will devastat you with a psycho boost!
i wish that my wish turned back into something and still was anti doom desire-able.
Done! But your HP was full, so wish didn't do anything!

I wish my Nebula Storm could stop your Psycho Boost and hit you, too!
done. but my defences are equvilent to that of shuckles best squared( in case you didnt know, thats 376,996!!) and i was unaffected and have a case full of white herbs and used super psychoboost kamakazi attack!!!! and my other stats are not like shuckles.
i wish that i didnt have full hp.
Done! I've just KOed you!

(It doesn't matter your defences if my power is infinite...)
I wish I was a gold saint!
Done.. But you'll be silver!
I wish I could read Japanese...
done. but you will forget your original language.
i wish Aluado knew that my telekinesis always protected me from any thing. you can think of it as a gardevoir, except it never dies.
Done, but then Treecko also know that Nebula Storm has infinite power, so it's strong enough to break his telekinesis and KO him. (And Nebula Storm is a wind attack, so it can't be stopped by telekinesis.)
I wish to win the next pokémon tournament.
silly silly.
done. but everyone how lost will hunt you down to kill you.
i wish you knew that my telekinesis formed a barrier around me if anything is getting directed at me and that i have the ultimate stamina and that a silly little wind attack cannot kill me. but if you insist,barrage of lions!!!