Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done, but I get kicked out onto the streets cause I don't make enough to pay my rent Toungue

I wish I was a greek with a job that made enough money to pay my rent and still be able to buy food.
Done,but you become either a politician or an immigrant (so,either a traitor who lives in Greece or a nice guy who doesn't live in Greece Toungue)

I wish you were a hitman in my command but you don't kill me. Toungue
Done, but I cut off your right arm and your left leg. xP

I wish I could literally come to Greece....seriously.
Done,but Golden Dawn fanatics think you're an illegal immigrant,so they kill you.

I wish I had my arms and legs back. Toungue
Done, but you lose your self esteem and your self-confidence.

I wish I was Golden Dawn thought I was a legal immigrant so they left me alone while I was in Greece.
Done,but now I hate you for being a neo-nazist.

I wish we could see a pic of you. Toungue
Done, but I posted it soooooooooooooo long ago on the slap thread.

I wish we could see a pic of you Hachi.
done but your eyes get burnded XD

i wish i was the ultimate ruler of the earth Toungue
Done, but everybody else on the earth dies due to a nuclear war so you're the ruler of a barren wasteland.

I wish I could eat spicy food without getting sick.
done but it puts you in an eternal sleep (why do you get sick anyway?)

i wish you could eat spicy foods without getting sick or sleeping forever
(My gallbladder has trouble digesting it.....and it hurts really badly)

Done, but I can no longer taste food.

I wish I could teleport.
done but you can't control where....

i wish i could teleport wherever i wanted
Done, but it requires the same amount of energy as if you walked there so you're limited in how far you can go by your strength.

I wish I could teleport wherever I wanted without using up my energy.
dude,i've walked six hours straight in the mountains,my energy is unlimited B|

done but you can only teleport three times...after that you die

i wish i was a ninja
Done, but you must wear a pink leotard everywhere xP

I wish I was a ninjagrassdragon
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