its correct.
Done. but right when you learn them, you will b/come blind, death, and mute.
i wish that i had a get out of jail free card from monopoly and could use it to get out of jail.
I guess when I die I'll be blind and mute, don't?
Done! But when you get out of there, a car will... do I need to continue?

Oops! I forgot!
I wish James' Cacnea would evolve and hug him more often.

( you are so wicked!!

done. but it will also come and find you and hug you.
i wish that jessie still had arbok.
Done! But Seviper, feeling rejected, will go after you, thinking it was your fault! (Actually, it is... You wished this...^^)
I wish Jessie's neurons would work sometimes and she would remember she has a Wobbuffet!!! And, of course, she would use it more often (so she could defeat the "twerps")
Done. but you will accidentally fight it and use psychoboost leaving it with 1 hp and it will use mirror coat and you will die.
i wish that jessie would not forget about seviper and use them both to duel poisonfang you.
Done! But then I'll use my Steelix to protect me...
I wish Team Rocket's old pokémon (the ones that got away: Growlithe, Gyarados, Victreebel, Chimecho, Lickitung...) would return.
done. but they liked where they were and b/c you made them leave, they will each hunt you down until you are finally dead. i wish that your steelix was actually an onix with paint on it and a steelix mask on and that the duel p/f poisoned him and KOed him.
Done, but he'll send out a Registeel after it!
I wish Team Rocket would join by Team Magma and Team Aqua! (And Team Aqua by Team Magma)
done. but then they will come after you and will successfully capture all of your pokemon.
i wish that you made sence about your granting so that you ment the registeel came after jessies pokemon( you sais he'll send out registeel after it and the last thing i talked about was onix).
Done! But Jessie's pokémon will go after you, followed by Registeel...
I wish my Jynx kissed the next person to doom desire my wish.
P.S.=Treecko, it's impossible an Onix being KOed by poison fang (4x resistance, plus a solid defence...)
9its also impossible for a pikchu to ko a onix with thunderbolt(one of the episodes))
Done. but i am on fire and when junx kisses me, she will burn.
i wish that i wasnt on fire anymore(hot hot hot)
Done, but you're asleep... (Jynx kissed you, remember?)
I wish my Jynx was holding a Lum Berry.
Pikachu's thunderbolt affected Onix 'cause Onix was wet, right?
Done. but it ate it w/o a status problem and died.
i wish i had vital spirit.