Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done, but they cannot hold Plates due to a programming error.


I wish more people liked and respected me.
Done, but you will never have any Grass or Dragon types in any Pokemon game ever again.

I wish everywhere I went, Pokemon music followed me.
Done, but it will drive you insane because it will never stop and you will never be able to concentrate, therefore, you will fail all your tests, drop out of school, and end up in jail cause you were caught selling drugs.

I wish for nothing.
Done, but you explode.

I wish only the Pokemon music I chose followed me, and that I could turn it off if needed.
Done, but you will never play another Pokemon game for as long as you live.

I wish I had something good to eat.
Done, but it is radioactive and slowly kills you over the course of years.

I wish my above wish, but with the added condition that I can still play non-hacked or glitched Pokemon games, and replace the music in those games with my own, already selected music.

I also wish Hachi had a pet Nyan cat. Angel
Done, but you die.

I wish that when I die, I go to heaven.
Done, but there are no Pokemon in heaven.

I wish that my Pokemon music granted me immortality.
Done, but haters of Pokemon music will capture you and torture you for all eternity.

I wish this wish wouldn't be granted.
Done, but you don't get the car of your dreams, a million dollars, or the love of your crush, any one of those you could have gotten if you had simply asked for them. It's too late now.

I wish that everywhere I went, Pokemon music followed me that only I could hear; that I could select, choose, and turn off at my will; that granted me immortality (that I can also give up so I am not accidentally buried alive or tortured for eternity); and that would not affect my ability to play Pokemon games.
Done, your wish is my command.

I wish for the love of my crush. Love is really the only thing in life that truly matters.
done but after a while you die (sorry :3 )

i wish my dog could talk because i think he would be the only one i could have a real conversation with
Done, but he only speaks Portugese.
I wish Skotein made more music.
and what would stop me from learning portugese?

anyway,done but then you have an accident and you can't listen to music anymore because you're deaf Toungue

i wish i could speak all languages
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