Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The Doom Desire Game!
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Done, everyone likes mudkipz but Swamperts become extinct because everyone gives their Mudkipz an everstone!

I wish grassdragon, Alcovich, 8hachi8, LuXray, and Kingnothing412 were the first people to receive and play Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.

I wish people lieksed Marshtomps.
Done, but everyone starts worshiping Marshtomp and everyone forgets all about Mewtwo. Mewtwo then fades away into nothing!

I wish Pokemon ruled the world!
Done, but they outlaw humans.
I wish Team Rocket came back in X and Y.
I wish Pokemon ruled the world and battled using humans.
Done, but someone kills you with a super-effective Flamethrower.
I wish Pokemon would continue on forever, never get dropped by Nintendo, and Nintendo would always have great and awesome ideas for Pokemon Games.
Done, but you die and miss all of them.

I wish me and Alcovich ruled the known Universe and forced scientists to create real Pokemon!!!!
Done, but the Pokemon never revolt. Instead, they help us rule like wise old kings and keep order on Earth. All of Earth's old problems (war, starvation, prejudice) fade away into nothing because there are Pokemon. Everyone knows Pokemon solve all problems.

I wish I finally found a Shiny!
8192nd Pokemon! Y U NO SHINY!?
Done, but it's a Shiny Mewtwo and your game deletes the save file.

I wish I could meet LuXray, 8hachi8, Alcovich, and Kingnothing412 in real life.
Done, but I am a 50-year-old Armenian pedophile with a huge beard,
Luxray is a toddler and does not speak English,
KN412 is a terrorist/Neo-Nazi (Hello Hitler! (It really is cute.)),
and Hachi tries to kill you.

I wish I had a Mewtwo and a Shiny Zorua.
Done, but they will be the weakest Mewtwo and Shiny Zorua ever!

I wish I had a Shiny level 1 Giratina.
Done, but it is not able to earn any experience points, as you do not have the Sinjoh Ruins event thingy, and so it was hacked in by a glitchy Action Replay. Same thing goes for your Level 9 Reshiram.

I wish Scyther could learn Fly.
Done, but Scyther would always fly into trees and faint and you would fall and all your Pokemon would be released.

I wish the rainbow unicorn that drinks from the eternal lake had blue eyes and isn't allowed to harm any living creature.
Done, but it dies.

I wish Scyther could legally learn Fly and carry me places without dying or crashing into trees.
Done, but Scyther gets confused and flies in the opposite direction you want to go in.

I wish My Confused Arrow would hit the center of the target.
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