(26-04-2013 01:31 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I wish Bibarel had an evolution which was a water-fighting, had great stats, and knew Skull Bash.
I concur!
I wish Areodactyl evolved into a Dragon/Rock Pokemon with the ability levitate. It's the only fossil that doesn't evolve and Lance the dragon trainer has one.
Done,but when it evolves,game crashes.
I wish I had a Max Revive maded by the God which would heal Nyan Cat and restore his/her memory.
My Nyan Cat is immortal!
So,I also wish grass had Tac Nayn (

) and Nyan Cat would destroy Tac Nayn but wouldn't do it.
Done, but nothing bad happens.
I wish 8hachi8 had the perfect Nyan Cat with all the features he wants and nothing bad happens at all, not to him, not to anybody he knows, not to his family, not to anything in the universe. That way he can stop wishing for it.
Done,but I will always wish for more features because I'm never happy with my Nyan Cat.

I wish grassdragon learnt Nyanish (that means you will speak like this:NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN)

Done, you will be the only one who won't be able to hear him speaking

I wish i had an electric guitar

Done but you won't ever be able to tune it right.
I wish I could control time.
Done but your ability will have effect only two minutes later or before the present time
I wish i was pokemon trainer
Done, but a Team Plasma Grunt steals all your Pokemon.
I wish all my stuff was returned to me from when I fell in lava in Minecraft.
Done, but it's useless now.
I wish Magikarp was blue and Gyarados was green.
Done, but Arceus is hot pink and Moltres is a charming shade of lavender.
I wish I wish I was a fish.
Actually a hot pink Arceus and a lavender Moltres doesn't sound half bad.
Done, but you will get hooked on a line and end up on a plaque (still alive) surrounded by people who sing "Fishy Fishy" and "Give me that fish" off key so they sound like they're trying to wake the dead.
Whoops! I forgot my wish.
I wish that the next person wouldn't be able to see my wish.
Done, but your wish to not be killed by a Hydregion goes ungranted.
I wish I wish I was an all-powerful fish which knew Hyper Beam.
Done, but you will become confused and use Hyper Beam on yourself which would fry you and a Magikarp will eat you.
I wish Alcovich was an all-powerful fish that couldn't be fried.
Done, but I knock out one of your Pokemon.
I wish I was the only one who could control Hachi's Nyan Cat.
Done, but it will sense that you are not Hachi and it will kill you.
I wish for A's on all my finals.