(11-05-2013 09:32 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-05-2013 08:33 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Gogoat
that particular combination of letters gives the word "Hideous" a whole new meaning.
is that seriously what they called it?
Who's idea was this?
Anyway at least the rest seem ok.
Yeah, the name sounds like something from modern Yu-Gi-Oh. Thankfully there are still nicknames.
Dude, imagine. "Go, Gogoat". A true tongue twister for any Trainer.

Yeah the name isn't good but the pokemon is great, amirite?

(11-05-2013 09:40 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Dude, imagine. "Go, Gogoat". A true tongue twister for any Trainer.
Yeah the name isn't good but the pokemon is great, amirite? 
You were saying?
But yeah, pokemon is GOAT (Greatest of all time).
If I catch a Gogoat,I will name it ''Dancer''
Instead of paying attention to that awful thing,you could pay attention to some other things.
We have information about the starters.
bulbapedia Wrote:Also, information about the starter Pokémon has been revealed. Chespin, the Chestnut Pokémon, has a tough shell covering its head and back, can learn Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip and Rollout, and is 0.4 m tall and weighs 9.0 kg. Fennekin has 200°C flames, and is 0.4 m tall and weighs 9.4 kg. Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, is able to jump as high as a three-story building, and is 0.3 m tall and weighs 7.0 kg.
Wait until 20th of April of 2014.
Orthodox and Catholic Easter.
Guess what I will eat!

(11-05-2013 10:58 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait until 20th of April of 2014.
Orthodox and Catholic Easter.
Guess what I will eat!
A lamb?

I think we rode off topic with Gogoat though. XD
Gogoat- Amazing Grass Goat Pokemon. I will definitely train it.
Elikiteru- looks like a banana
Yayakoma- the basic bird type for this new region
Yancham- the epic panda that I will be training.
Overall, I like them and look forward to training them.
(11-05-2013 11:04 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Gogoat
Do you mean:
(11-05-2013 11:04 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogoggoat
Anyway,if it doesn't evolve into sth good,I won't even lv it up.
QOTD:Will more legendaries will be introduced in Gen6 than Gen4&Gen5,less or the same number?Just say your opinion.

I actually like the new Pokemon........ Yes! Even that Electric thing! I thought the goat was Normal/Grass. D'oh? Hello? Only Grass? >_> The region looks awesome as well! It reminds me of Sinnoh. Now THAT's a Pokemon game!
(12-05-2013 12:43 AM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]I actually like the new Pokemon........ Yes! Even that Electric thing! I thought the goat was Normal/Grass. D'oh? Hello? Only Grass? >_> The region looks awesome as well! It reminds me of Sinnoh. Now THAT's a Pokemon game!
What's wrong with Gogoat only being a Grass type. I

Grass types. I dislike it when they are paired with Normal though.
I must have Gogoat and train it to level 100. It looks so epic!
The poll at the top of this thread should be updated.
Elikiteru (I'm ready for them to release the English name) could have some potential when it evolves. Please let it evolve. That was Stunfisk's major fault.
Yay! Character Customization! Even if it's strictly hair and skin color. It's a step higher than before.
This new region is going to be soooo EPIC!!!!!
I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!
I liked the new pokemon too and especially the robin/bird one.Gogoat is also good and I name mine PowerRanger
So in Pokemon Smash they proved that Sylveon is weak to poison, super effective against ice and it's not a fighting type. So, a new type I guess... Fairy? Thanks god it isnt a flying type.
(12-05-2013 12:47 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Supposed ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Insider Information
Read it
Damn it, until now they seem legit... I really hate the leaks....
So, Dual type atracks are great and flyimg battle must be really cool. Fairy type seems really possible(especially after pokemon Smash) and its dragon immunity would be really good and would change the CB a lot. 2 Mewtwo forms is nice too, the movie will be promising.