^ I removed the "final", I just wrote it out of habit. Although it's not really clear if they are the second/third stage yet.
Also, Steel supposedly not resistant to Ghost and Dark anymore, unconfirmed as well.
Hmm interesting stuff, we need more leaks

Mega Garchomp is excellent. The Rock TRex seems cool too.
The new Mega Mewtwo is called Mega Mewtwo X, is an X exclusive and mega-evolves with the Mewtwonite X.
The cats are great, especially the blue one. The Poodle has a nice gimmick too.
I like the fossils and the cats, the new mega mewtwo is not bad too. Can't wait till the pics with the starter's evolution leaks.
Haha, Chespin sucks. Fennekin even as a bipedal pokemon is the best. Reminds me a particular digimon though. Froakie's fine too.
Note that in the page with the moves, Parting Shot, Geomancy and Oblivion Wing are listed as ???-type, even though we already know that Geomancy is Fairy-type and Oblivion Wing is Dark-type. Dual type moves confirmed?
My starter choosing before the evolutions:
65% Froakie (as a Water traditionist)
30% Fennekin (it looks awesome)
5% Chespin (I would choose it if it had an awesome evolution)
After the 1st evolution:
85% Froakie (looks good!)
15% Fennekin (looks good too,but Water traditionist I said!)
0% Chespin (awful.I only hope for a better final evolution)
@NM2, +1.
It was about time damnit.
First of all, amazing fossils. Seriously... amazing! I don't know which one to choose. xD
Secondly, Mewtwo X Form is kind of eeehh. Guess I'll go with Y. The evolutions are O.K. Chespin's evo though sucks. xD I'll judge when they reveal their final evolution.
Mega Garchomp - lol we knew it was coming. Prepare your ****. (
http://www.deviantart.com/art/Zaraki-Ken...k-69313736 )
Well, at least it didn't get Sand Rush.