Ponyta is pony,just saying....
Exactly. Case in point.
Goats, ponies, horses, giant lava/water/electric dogs... The list is endless!
If you can ride Torterra, I will be ecstatic.
Arcanine as well! We should be able to ride Arcanine!
Maybe we'll be able to ride Luxray and Venusaur as well!
Great! Time to see the starters evos!
(02-09-2013 01:41 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ] (02-09-2013 01:32 AM)Aldark Wrote: [ -> ]also i'm in love with skiddo and gogoat 
Gogoat goes ftw.
Skiddo is probably the most adorable Pokemon I've ever seen.
What do you think of Shiny Gogoat, Aldark?
it's nice man! i liked it! although , i don't care about shinies to be honest (only for collection reasons hehehe)
I agree about Skiddo~

, i want a gogoat in my team, hope we can catch a skiddo in pokemon y
(02-09-2013 02:42 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Surf is overrated :/
surf is my favorite move

surf ftw!
so maybe tommorow we'll learn the starters' evolutions..can't wait for itttt

I say we join the chat tommorrow when the Pokemon Direct starts/end to talk about the things we saw in the direct.

Scratch what I said about not wanting to see the starters' evolutions. If they are revealed tomorrow, I am definitely going to spoil myself!
I can't wait for Fire/Psychic Fennekin!
And Water/Fighting Froakie!
(04-09-2013 01:47 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I can't wait for Fire/Psychic Fennekin!
And Water/Fighting Froakie!
AHEM!!! What about Grass/Dark Chespin?
(04-09-2013 01:47 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I can't wait for Fire/Psychic Fennekin!
And Water/Fighting Froakie!
no sh*t i don't want my froakle to lose against fennekin >.>

you are so sure that these will be the second types huh?
Not a bad direct. Kanto starter ftw!!!!