Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur. You also get Kanto Starters from tbe start.
Pokemon Bank and Pokemon Transfer with annual fee. More boxes and backwards compatibility with these apps..
Pokemon 3DS XL bundles.
I'll take Venusaur probably.
Ok, I did not like Mega Charizard in some other pictures, but it looks good in these ones.
OK in X/Y we'll have 3 starter pokemon, Chespin/Fennekin/Froakie - Torchic - Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle.
PokéTransporter is supposed to block the transfering of hacked Pokémon in the new games. Considering over 1500 people were caught with hacked Pokémon in the last tournament, that's a great move. The new Megas are pretty cool too. Blastoise>Charizard>Venusaur appearence-wise.
(04-09-2013 02:44 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]OK in X/Y we'll have 3 starter pokemon, Chespin/Fennekin/Froakie - Torchic - Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle.
Damn it I just can't choose Fire, Fire and Fire...
I think I'll get Squirtle and Fennekin...
NM2 Wrote:PokéTransporter is supposed to block the transfering of hacked Pokémon in the new games. Considering over 1500 people were caught with hacked Pokémon in the last tournament, that's a great move. The new Megas are pretty cool too. Blastoise>Charizard>Venusaur appearence-wise.
I hope you are right. A subscription model and anti hacking blocks will really help.
I think Charizard is the best of the kanto starters in appearence and drought is great.I want to see what mega launcer does(i think that beam "type" moves like ice beam and hudro pump get boosted).I'm really happpy about the pokemon 3dsxl edition as I was going to buy a 3ds anyway.
PS A big letdown was mega charizard's typing....
It seems Pokemon Bank is coming in Europe on December 27th... More than two months after the release... Lame.
New Llama Pokemon.
I guess Ampharos is more of a Dragon than Charizard. :c
This is a nice twist:
pokebeach Wrote:In X/Y your Starter Pokemon will be given to you by one of your friends - not the professor! But later, Professor Sycamore will give you either Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle.
Mega Venusaur Mega Venusaur Mega Venusaur!!! It's amazing!
Mega Charizard is pretty cool. The typing is a letdown.
Mega Blastoise is really cool.
All I need now is a Grass/Dragon and a Mega Torterra and everything will be perfect!!!!
Also, I think the newly revealed Pokemon is either an Absol pre-ev. or a llama.
Frenzy Plant just got epic!
(02-09-2013 02:42 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Surf is overrated :/
surf is my favorite move

surf ftw!
I like Surf too. It's my favorite Water Type move.
When I said it was overrated, I was talking about surfing across water. GameFreak has the technology for you to ride Suicune and walk on water. (Like in Ranger: Guardian Signs.)
Has anyone here, though what name will give to the character and some pokemon in X/Y?