Anyway, too tired to check stuff at the moment. Will do later.
I think Dark is weak to Fairy and Flying super effective to it or vice versa. Nice abilities though. The squids are cool and the Pancham evo is nice. Also, the X exclusives are better.

At least we
will not have another Dragon legendary!!

I love Xerneas but i thought that it will had 2 types not 1... i will wait to see more... maybe next month we will have all pokemons from this gen.
So, looking at these a little more careful... The squids have Contrary! Really nice! And the typing is great too. Also, I guess they are Inkay and Malimar from the Pokebeach leaks. And Pancham's evo is Pangoro. And their method of evolution is really great if it's true.

No guard sucks for Honedge... And it was only a word away from Wonder Guard...

The new fairies are really awful.
So Team Flare, I like it, and I like that their sole purpose is to make money, not the typical capture the legendary and rule the region/world.
Yveltal, Dark/Flying with a move called Death Wing.
Yeah, I'm still definitely with Pokemon Y.
So the Life/Death theory was correct.
The Pancham evo is awesome.
The Squids are amazing.
Cotton Candy and Perfume Pokemon? No, just no.
Honedge~No Guard~ Why? I hate No Guard. I'm not training it.
I hope we're able to get both Legendaries in X and in Y.
Miracle Trade allows for an "exciting trade" with someone from around the world. I wonder exactly what Miracle Trade is.
The teaser for next month's CoroCoro issue, due for release on August 12th 2013, is said that the magazine will contain the biggest scoop of the century. We'll provide details on that next month. ~ SWEET MOTHER OF ARCEUS!!! What on Earth could be the biggest scoop of the CENTURY? We've already had soooo much with Fairy Type, a new form for Mewtwo, and the ability to sit on benches!!
Anybody want to speculate?
(11-07-2013 07:23 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]So Team Flare, I like it, and I like that their sole purpose is to make money, not the typical capture the legendary and rule the region/world.
I wonder how the Legendaries of this generation will connect with their goal...
Quote:Yveltal, Dark/Flying with a move called Death Wing.
Yeah, I'm still definitely with Pokemon Y.
So the Life/Death theory was correct.
Called it.

Alsp, tbeir attacks seem to connect with the opposite. Xerneas attack is from the underground(hell) while Yveltal's attack is from the sky(heaven). Cool.
(11-07-2013 07:23 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]The teaser for next month's CoroCoro issue, due for release on August 12th 2013, is said that the magazine will contain the biggest scoop of the century. We'll provide details on that next month. ~ SWEET MOTHER OF ARCEUS!!! What on Earth could be the biggest scoop of the CENTURY? We've already had soooo much with Fairy Type, a new form for Mewtwo, and the ability to sit on benches!!
Anybody want to speculate?
Maybe you can catch all Pokemon in those 2 games.
Or the boss of Team Flare is Don Corleone or Al Capone!

(Don Corleone!I

ITALIAN MAFIA![in the movies of course])
Or you can also sit on chairs,lie on beds and take sprays and paint walls!

edit: I will post it at the Greek part

Sorry for that!

Team Flare? Will there be a Team Freeze?

Then it'll be like Gen III!
Quote:The previously revealed Pokémon Honedge is the Dagger Pokémon. It has been revealed to have the Ability No Guard.
That just cracked me up right there. XD
Well, we have an ice cream Pokemon, so why not a Cotton Candy Pokemon?
Wait - New Mewtwo form, goal is to gather money, monochromatic outfits...
We (finally) have the news on the main page. Thanks to Grim Ripper.
(11-07-2013 07:41 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ] (11-07-2013 07:23 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]So Team Flare/Flair, I like it, and I like that their sole purpose is to make money, not the typical capture the legendary and rule the region/world.
I wonder how the Legendaries of this generation will connect with their goal...
They might not have anything to do with Team Flare/Flair making money. It could be like Gold/Silver/Heartgold/Soulsilver.
(11-07-2013 07:41 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Yveltal, Dark/Flying with a move called Death Wing.
Yeah, I'm still definitely with Pokemon Y.
So the Life/Death theory was correct.
Called it.
Alsp, tbeir attacks seem to connect with the opposite. Xerneas attack is from the underground(hell) while Yveltal's attack is from the sky(heaven). Cool.
This is so cool!
Serebii wrote:
It has been announced that the Pokémon Smash episode, due to air on July 21st 2013 is to feature some gameplay of Pokémon X & Y. While much of this is likely to be mirroring the information of CoroCoro, the episode has the host Akiyama playing a copy of the game borrowed from game director Junichi Masuda so has the potential to show some further footage. We'll provide details as and when we get them