Fennekin. Always the superior starter.
Froakie's evo looks kinda OK. I could consider maybe picking it as a starter.
I think Nintendo just ran out of time on Chespin. I hope it has a better final evo.
If you buy Pokemon X, I will trade you my Mewtonite Y for a Mewtonite X!
I was thinking that if the quill-like things on Chespin's head are now on it's back, it could very well become a bulky Hedgehog or Porcupine. I would like to see that.
Hopefully Gamefreak will do this
Chespin is just going through an awkward teenage phase!
Dark/Fighting and Dark/Dragons beware! Fairy will do x4 damage to you!
I also like that Steel is Super Effective against Fairy.
I've been browsing the net looking to see what people are saying about Chespin's evo. One girl said this:
Quote:I think it's actually in a cocoon stage, as its hat wrapped around its body. I think the final stage will be really different, but for now it looks like an adorable piñata.
This just in. Possible Litleo evolution: It's unconfirmed. It just appeared on IGN. It does look legit though.
![[Image: pyroar2.jpg]](http://www.serebii.net/pyroar2.jpg)
He gets huge in no time. Dope.


Let's hope it evolves into a Fire/Poison.
The Fairy Slayer!
But I think it's the final evolution.

(12-09-2013 06:48 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]This just in. Possible Litleo evolution: It's unconfirmed. It just appeared on IGN. It does look legit though.
![[Image: pyroar2.jpg]](http://www.serebii.net/pyroar2.jpg)
Pretty awful design... I really hoped they'd turn Litleo to a manticore... This looks like a circus lion. :/ Cool name though.
The yellow markings on its mane actually form the kanji for "fire", I like it.
![[Image: fire.jpg]](http://www.learn-hiragana-katakana.com/symbol-relationship/fire.jpg)
The new type chart,which I found on Pokememes of Cheezburger
Also,immunity to Dragon,I see.
Let's find a Trick+Ring Target tactic!
Rotom-S maybe.Or Switcheroo Lopunny!
OK about Litleo,but STILL A FIRE/NORMAL?
What did you expect? I like it's type.

Is that 1st stage evolution? That looks more like a 2nd stage...
Anyway, Pyroar=SaberLeomon, anyone???

(12-09-2013 12:48 PM)NM2 Wrote: [ -> ]The yellow markings on its mane actually form the kanji for "fire", I like it.
![[Image: fire.jpg]](http://www.learn-hiragana-katakana.com/symbol-relationship/fire.jpg)
That is just tooo cool!!!
I love the name Pyroar!
I love the Fire Mane.
(12-09-2013 07:41 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, Pyroar=SaberLeomon, anyone??? 
I think skorp will love it.

(12-09-2013 09:46 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]http://pokemon-xy-news.tumblr.com/post/6...writtem-on
I had totally forgotten how the new region looked like.

Screw that thing using the stick.
(12-09-2013 11:13 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ] (12-09-2013 07:41 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, Pyroar=SaberLeomon, anyone??? 
I think skorp will love it. 