Wow where did you learnt that from????Do you have a secret source?????O.O
Yeah, he has the biggest secret source.
The internetz.
pff...I've just seen that Zekrom is on Pokemon White...So I'll get White.
Also Zekrom is propably an electric type!
In the next week.... COROCORO LEAKS

I hope that the next CoroCoro will finally reveal Zekrom's & Reshiram's type
And ofc not only this

Zorua's method of evolution, new pokemon and many more

Actually im more interested in how to capture Zorua.
I really hope its not an event Pokemon. x_x
Well, it can be an in-game gift Pokémon like Steven's Beldum in RSE or Riley's Riolu in DPPt. Or we may be only able to catch Zoroark via its in-game event and have to breed for a Zorua.
The gift Pokemon possibility sounds better to me.
(04-06-2010 11:30 PM)Ninjomewtwo Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it can be an in-game gift Pokémon like Steven's Beldum in RSE or Riley's Riolu in DPPt. Or we may be only able to catch Zoroark via its in-game event and have to breed for a Zorua.
If the second is the truth, then i must find some shiny legendaries beast when they released.
Saddly most Pokemon you find on-line are hacked, so this is not an option for me.
You are so right... Then the only option is to wait until an event. If it's the only way for zoroark, then they probably released the beast as a wifi event...I think.
I don't care if its hacked as long as im gonna get a Zoroark or a Zorua.
But i care. I want them legit:/
all of us should care whether our events are hacked or not
and i do