Dream World abilities on the main site everyone, go check.
Drought Ninetales, Drizzle Politoed, Speed Boost Blaziken and moooore.
Drought Ninetales... Epic. I wanted to see a Pokemon with Arceus's ability!! Heck...
Weather teams seem to be getting a boost...
Level-up moves on the main site as well. Since Reshiram and Zekrom already know Cross Flame and Cross Thunder when you encounter them, I assume (558) is Cross Flame and (559) is Cross Thunder.
Finally, Rain Dance teams no longer require Rain Dance
![Toungue Toungue](smilies/tongue.gif)
The metagame will be even more centered around weather teams.
Ononokusu(the awesome Axe dragon):Mold Breaker + DD + Base 147 Attack + STAB Outrage
^ Plus Earthquake, assuming it stays as a TM (with Gen I "classics" such as Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Solarbeam, Psychic etc remaining, it's quite possible). Screw your Levitate Gengar and Rotom, my axes are too awesome for you to keep hovering.
Also, Chandelar gains Shadow Tag in the Dream World, is a Ghost-type and has a huge SpAtk stat. Imo, no Choice Bander/Scarfer will use a Normal/Fighting-type attack anymore.
![Toungue Toungue](smilies/tongue.gif)
(17-09-2010 05:39 PM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]It's a matter of time, till I get used to them.
Same, i hated all the Pokemon that were revealed at first (the few couple pokes who were revealed) but then they started growing on me.
Also, Hihidaruma could be a bit broken. Boosted Superpower and Flare Blitz(+STAB) coming from 140 Base Attack without fearing stat drops and recoil(thanks to Encourage) is fearful. Not to mention that it will probably get a no recharge giga impact.
Rotom Formes no longer fear pursuit it seems. Some of them have to deal with SR however...
And finally Lucario(Arcanine and Absol as well) are getting Justice Heart, which makes them enter the battle with a +1 boost in every stat Oh god o.O
Fail, I thought Rotom Formes lost the Electric typing
![Toungue Toungue](smilies/tongue.gif)
. It's a shame they lose their Fighting/Normal immunities though.
Also, does Justice Heart work like that for sure?
^It seems more probable, still where's the point in encouraging Arcanine to get hit by a Dark type move? It's not like it resists it.
Source for the Justice Heart info was 4chan, I'm actually starting to doupt it. I guess it's a matter of time till we know for sure.
Gen II>All
The V metagame is just too different from IV,everything is completely different...
More changes, red is positive, green is negative:
Jump Kick: 100 Power (from 85), 10 PP (from 25)
Tackle: 50 Power (from 35), 100 Accuracy (from 95)
Wrap: 90 Accuracy (from 85)
Thrash: 120 Power (from 90), 10 PP (from 20)
Disable: 100 Accuracy (from 80)
Growth: Raises Sp.Atk and Atk one level.
Petal Dance: 120 Power (from 90), 10 PP (from 20)
Thunder Wave: Now hits Ground type foes.
Toxic: 90 Accuracy (from 85)
Hi Jump Kick: 130 Power (from 100), 10 PP (from 20)
Glare: 90 Accuracy (from 75)
Crabhammer: 90 Accuracy (from 85)
Scary Face: 100 Accuracy (from 90)
Outrage: 10 PP (from 15)
Giga Drain: 75 Power (from 60)
Fury Cutter: 20 Power (from 10)
Future Sight: 100 Power (from 80), 100 Accuracy (from 90), 10 PP (from 15)
Whirlpool: 35 Power (from 15), 85 Accuracy (from 70)
Uproar: 90 Power (from 50)
Sand Tomb: 35 Power (from 15), 85 Accuracy (from 70)
Bullet Seed: 25 Power (from 10)
Icicle Spear: 25 Power (from 10)
Covet: 60 Power (from 40)
Rock Blast: 90 Accuracy (from 80)
Doom Desire: 140 Power (from 120), 100 Accuracy (from 85)
Last Resort: 140 Power (from 130)
Drain Punch: 75 Power (from 60), 10 PP (from 5)
Magma Storm: 75 Accuracy (from 70)
I'm still looking for a 100% list of the new abilities.
I heard that Hyper Beam costs 90.000 Pokedollars because it is usable more than one time. Expensive O.o
Let's hope the other TMs are cheap...