I can have a lot of better team from:electrivire,arcanine,spiritomb,scizor,milotic,dragonite.But i like this i will stick with this until something makes me *click* and replace one of my pokemon.This is the best pokemon selection

not ho-oh it is really bad........try regigigas or heatran but not ho-oh for gods sake
BTW heres my team
and of course
Regigigas ? Seriously ? It's like the worst legendary, possibly the worst Gen 4 Pokemon.
Ho-Oh is so much better, a move with 100 power, 90 accuracy, gets STAB and has a 50% chance to burn on a Pokemon with good Attack and Defenses ? Yes please.
I think we are going a little off topic...
Anyway,is there any difference in the bike this Gen? We had Mach and Acro in R/S/E,different gears at D/P/Pt,is there any addition now?
dude regigigas has one of the the highest attacks in the game(i tell this because my regigigas is shiny

and terraplant is right
i think the new abillities are lame

Double battle scenario: Attack own Regigigas with Desukan
(01-10-2010 08:18 PM)Arty2 Wrote: [ -> ]Double battle scenario: Attack own Regigigas with Desukan
Triple Battle Scenario:Attack own Regigigas with Desukan. Attack own Slacking with Mummy Regigigas.
Triple battle scenario: Desukan fainted!

Why would Desukan die? It's not attacked by its teamates.
But aren't they supposed to attack Desukan so they could get Mummy ?
I think that Desukan can pass Mummy by attacking,but I'm not sure.
I think Mummy passes only if Desukan is hit by a contact move. Considering Slaking's huge Atk and the fact that since Desukan is immune to Normal/Fighting, it will have to be hit by Slaking's Ghost/Dark move, it will probably faint in no time.

I have a legit Regigigas 1 Level !!! To catch it I used my team of 1 level Rotom in their different form. But Regigigas used Foresign and then Dizzy Punch...
On Topic: I will think about a in-game team when Pokearth in serebii is ready because I want to know Pokemon in the first routes. And after I complete the game, I will make a competetive team.
In-Game I'll make a team with the first things I see and like,but during the Elite 4 I might change the team a bit.
I will make my B/W team after winning the champion and i will select the best appearance + good stats pokemon.