(10-09-2010 12:27 AM)Grovyle_Fan Wrote: [ -> ]IV Values now have 8 kinds instead of 6
I wonder what could these extra two be for and whether they'll affect battles at all.
I read somewhere that this may be a wrong translation, it may mean that IVs will have 8 values. Well, droping the values from 32 to 8 doesn't make sense since they were 16 in Gen I to begin with, so I'm leaning towards the first translation. It is also rumored that the friendship stat of a Pokémon will play a more important role in this gen so one of the two extra IVs could be for friendship. I still have no clue for the second one, I just hope they don't add something like "charisma" and turn it into a generic RPG.

Sounds unlikely that any of this will change, but we'll know soon enough.
Also, straight from Serebii:
Quote:There are 156 new Pok�mon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pok�mon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation
In regards to a few numbers and details;
#633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain
#638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary
#639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary
#640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary
#641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary
#642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary
Reshiram is to be #643
Zekrom is to be #644
#645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary
#646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary
#647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary
#648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary
#649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary
In Hiun City, the boats will take you to various islands.
woo! i cannot wait until the day these games release and new pours out like a blown up dam.
About pure Flying-type Pokemon:
WTF is that? I demand an explanation! Why the others are Normal/Flying and this ***** is pure Flying? Lame imho.
As for the Bug/Steel, I knew it, except for the pure-flying thing.

Second Electric-Flying pokemon in BW....
Zapdos will not be alone anymore ;(
And all the pokemon in BW are flying-fighting xD
Fighting pokemon have been always cool, so I'm glad
High time they stopped adding 84573123 psychic legendary pokemon in every generation xD
More Fighting-type legendaries mean more Pokémon for Mewtwo to spam Psychic against?

Also, if Axeface turns out to be the Dark/Dragon line, I'll love it even more.
They now add Dragons like they used to add Psychics. But who cares, everyone loves Dragons xD.
to many fighting type pokemon i think....................
Bug/Steel and Pure Flying are the best for me. I'm really anxious to see how the will maek a legendary bug xD! I am not sure what Pure Flying Type is.Maybe a cloud or air! The Trio (Grass,Steel,Rock)/Fighting reminds me a post-credits trio like Regis. And maybe their leader is the Event-Only Water/Fighting. The Electric/Flying and the Ground/Flying are like opposites for me. I think that Electric/Flying is a Thunderbird like Zapdos or a Pokemon Thunderstorm. For the second the only bird which comes to my mind is owl, which makes underground bases.Or maybe a sandstorm Pokemon.For the third member of Dragon Trio, I can't think something. Maybe a dragon made of ice (like Regice) or maybe a Grey Chinese Dragon with ice on his back. Normal/Psychic,... Hmm... I can't think anything for it...
More, from 4chan, source seems to be Pokexperto:
Quote:>About the Dragon/Ice legendary
Is based on a cold energy source as ice, instead of fire or electric.Actually, I could say that it has a gray-like body, dark gray. However, it has ice parts like the head, wings and tail are blue.
>About the Dark/Dragon pseudolegendary
This is the V gen Dragonite/Garchomp/etc.
It's a three headed hydra, with black and blue tones. Starts with 1 head and when evolves get 2 heads, the final form have 3.
>About pokemon numbers
Zorua is #570 and Zoroark is #571.
Shikijika is #585.
#636 and #637 are Bug/Fire.
>About other Steel types
There are a pair of Bug/Steel pokemon (a spider and a bug with a knight armor), a Grass/Steel pokemon and a Steel/Dark pokemon (nicknamed "Power Ranger).
>About Poison types
There a 7 Poison pokemon in total
3 of them are #543/#544/#545 (Bug/Poison), a mushroom and his evo, and a pure Poison type and his evo.
>About the Grass/Steel pokemon
It looks like a metal ball with green spikes. When evolves tentacles come out.
>About the Ice types
There are 7 Ice pokemon in total
The Dragon/Ice pokemon, a polar bear (2 stages), a 3 stage pokemon, and a single stage pokemon.
Supposing that the hydra thing is true, who cares about Axeface, this thing will be just great. Three sets of fangs Crunching anything on sight, I just love it.
Again assuming these are true...
Quote:>About the Dragon/Ice legendary
Is based on a cold energy source as ice, instead of fire or electric.Actually, I could say that it has a gray-like body, dark gray. However, it has ice parts like the head, wings and tail are blue.
So are we getting pokemon gray next(given that the tradition of a third version carries on)? Really, it was the obvious name, the dragon's colour seems to support it.
Also, a polar bear makes me more than happy, they are such great animals - hope it's as good as Ursaring.
The fighting-type legendaries is obviously a trio.I hope they look cool.
Grass/Steel: New Tangela!!! Holy sh*t!
1 head -->2 heads -->3 heads?Hmm, Cyber Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon,Cyber End Dragon.
#636 n' #637: What do you mean by Bug/Fire? It should be just Fire.Or is it some kind of firefly?lol.That's what I expect to see.
And for once more we see a dozen of legendaries.
How the hell they are going to make fighting legendaries??What they will say the unbeatable samurai hintmotop,i can't get the moto with the new pokemons they are making!!
Hey NM2, were the rumors you posted from Pokexperto true ?