Well, guys from Pokexperto have already started revealing Pokémon on their Twitter page. Here's what they have posted up to now:
Pokexperto Wrote:494: Victini
495: Tsutarja
496-497: Tsutarja Evos
498: Pokabu
499-500: Pokabu Evos
501: Mijumaru
502-503: Mijumaru Evos
504: Minezumi
505: Miruhoggu
506: A small dog-like Pokemon. Probably a breed of the Shih Tzu race: http://bit.ly/djWCxl (but with brown-golden hair).
507: Longer dog-like Pokémon, has same face but with mustache. Face and legs are golden, body is dark grey. Also a Normal type.
508: A dog-like Pokémon, resembles an adult Shih Tzu but with longer body. Long mustache and black-to-grey body http://bit.ly/9diX5S
509: A cat-like Pokémon with a somewhat suspicious look. Dark Type. See Fanart by Hiro: http://bit.ly/dyX6SM (had been revealed by Pokexperto as a sillhouette before it was revealed, that probably confirms most of their info)
510: A panther Pokémon. Most of its body is purple, but legs, head and body marks are light brown. Very elegant and slender.
511: Yanappu
512: Yanappu Evo, same design but bigger, with an Elvis forelock, more hair and arrogant pose. Also a pure Grass type. Fanart.
513: Baoppu. Fire Type monkey. Orange body with a flame-style hair and tail. It has a sleepy face.
514: Baoppu Evo. Fire Type monkey. It is fatter than Grass one, and seems confused. Tail and hair have flames. Red-orange color.
515: Hiyappu. A Water Type monkey. It's cheerful and has fountain-shaped hair. Light blue color.
516: Hiyappu Evo. Water Type monkey. The most sociable of all these monkeys, it has somewhat rasta hair style. Light blue color.
517: Munna
518: Musharna
519: Mamepato
520: Hatoopoo (also Normal / Flying)
521: Mamepato 3rd Evo. Typical bird Pokémon with an arrogant pose, resembles a pigeon. Same colors, but brown chest. Normal/Flying Type. Oh, btw, 521 has an alternative Forme. Still a pigeon, same pose, but with a pink mask, maybe a Spring Forme or somewhat.
522: Shimama
523: Shimama Evo. Still a zebra: bigger, fiercer, more white stripes and hair. Still Electric Type.
524-526: Gigaiasu and pre-evos
527: Koromori
528: Koromori Evo. A bat Pokémon with blue body and white fur. It maintains heart-shaped eyes but adds a hook tail. Uhm, some people say the heart is the nose. That could very well be the case with Koromori Evo. Ok, heart thing in the middle of the face =P
529: Moguryuu
530: Doryuuzu (Ground/Steel-type)
531: Tabunne (Normal-type)
532: A Fighting Type guy with a wooden plank. See image.
533: Fighting Type guy with an iron girder. It is stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.
534: Fighting Type guy with a concrete block on each hand. It got huge and badass in the process. The clown nose is not funny anymore.
535: A small tadpole. No arms, no legs, only a blue tail. Also two blue protuberances each side of its head. Pure Water Type. Fanart.
536: A bigger tadpole. Has developed legs, still no arms. Blue color, white tail. Three protuberances from head, four from body. Water/Ground.
537: A big frog, full with protuberances in head, arms and legs. No more tail. Its very big and has kinda mafia pose. Water/Ground.
538: Judo Pokémon, appeared on musical ( http://dlvr.it/4bfls ). Kimono stays. Rocky red skin, big eyebrows and nose. Pure Fighting Type.
539: Judo Pokémon. Taller and thinner than pre-evo, with rocky blue skin and kimono. Big nose and eyebrow (yes, only one).
540: Kurumiru
541: Kurumiru Evo. The leaf grows and covers the Pokémon as a cocoon. Only eyes and mouth can be seen. Bug/Grass Type.
542: A Leaf Insect Pokémon, a Phylliidae ( http://bit.ly/atUO9q ). Stands on two legs, with a leaf skirt and arms. Head is like Kurumiru's.
543: Fanart. Bug/Poison.
544: A round cocoon with an eye on each side. All covered in spikes, 4 larger and 8 shorter. Ugliest one on Dex. Bug/Poison Type.
545: Scolopendra Pokémon (http://bit.ly/cYSqJk). Silhouette here: http://bit.ly/asjnsT Color like first pre-evo. Bug/Poison Type.
546: Pure Grass cloud Pokémon. Fanart.
547: Cloud Pokémon. Still deciding whether its a sheep or not. Fanart.
I'll update this post if/when they reveal more.
This Shih Tzu? Like Pochyena? Hmm... I prefer a pekingese but it's ok.
ps: are those pokemon real? how pokexperto knows these pokemon?
guy's opinion in Pokebeach about the three trainers with monkeys in the first gym:
Quote:The way I see it, the gym is restaurant based.
The red haired guy is the cook and uses the fire monkey and he sees no evil because of the smoke/steam from the food.
Dento is the waiter and uses yanappu the grass monkey and he speaks no evil because he has to be polite to the customers.
The blue haired guy washes the dishes and uses the water monkey and he hears no evil over the clatter of the dishes.
Really Interesting IMO.
EDIT2: Moar new sihlouettes from the guy who shown Cat's fanart sihlouette.
http://dlvr.it/4sSfh: Gigaiasu line...
That Hajime guy from before keeps posting on 4chan, more stuff this time.
According to him, the 3rd legendary Dragon will be Dragon/Ice-type, based on
Wuji. As Wikipedia says, Wuji 無極 (literally "without ridgepole") originally meant "ultimateless; boundless; infinite". Now, PLDH.net posted this today:
PLDH Wrote:A rumor has been floating around for a while now about the legendaries featured in Black and White. While we can't speak on all of them, we can currently speak about one in particular. The third legendary in the trio of mascot dragons, currently known to contain Reshiram and Zekrom, will be a Dragon/Ice Pokémon. Now, we can't go ahead and claim this is a completely true, irrefutable fact, however it is something we have a lot of faith in.
Now, if you'll forgive us, we'd like to deviate from the news and go into some speculation. And do not be mistaken, this isn't the reasoning behind us posting this article. As we know, Reshiram is the Dragon/Fire White Yang Pokémon, and Zekrom is the Dragon/Electric Black Yin Pokémon. Their bodies suggest a strong connection to either ancient and modern technologies or sources of energy (or both). Undoubtedly, the most important feature for both is the tail. Reshiram's tail is a torch, while Zekrom's tail is a turbine-like generator. Ice clearly does not fit into the mold here, as atoms in ice slow down and produce little to no energy (heat).
Since technology requires a source of energy to operate, ice at first doesn't make sense. But, recall Giratina in the Sinnoh trio including Dialga and Palkia. Dialga represented time and Palkia represented space, but Giratina represented anti-matter. It is a beast that exists in a world on the opposite side of the Pokémon universe, a world where time does not flow and space is distorted. It's entirely possible ice can represent the lack of energy, allowing it to easily fill in the shoes of the third legendary.
While this can be true, if the dragon is really based on the Wuji philosophy as that Hajime guy claims, it would make sense as it would be a source of infinite energy. Just my 2 cents.
Anyway, I don't know if I'll like the Pokémon when they're all revealed, but they have certainly kept me interested with all this speculation going on.
In other news, Pokexperto continues revealing Pokémon info in Pokédex order via their Twitter, they've already reached number 532. Check my previous post for updates.
Dragon/Ice? Sounds good! It's only weakness is Fighting Type(I am not sure about this).
(08-09-2010 12:59 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]It's only resistance is Fighting Type(I am not sure about this).
It's actually weak to Fighting. Also weak to Rock, Steel and Dragon.
Woops, yes. It has many weaknesses. I hadn't imagined it

Whoah!I trully want that Wuji-ice/dragon pokemon!Also a company published its review about B/W and it was 40/40!More than D/P/Pt/HG/SS!Also after reading all these im thrilled about it!
Well, given that DP/Pt/HGSS were rated 35/36/37 respectively we can't really judge how much better B/W will be(3 points aren't that much in a scale of 40)
Still, I have pretty big expectations

Dragon/Ice,I don't really like the sound of it.Ice is not very good generally speaking tbh,and the most important targets of Ice STAB are already hit by the Dragon STAB.But we'll see,this is all just some early thought.
On a side note,if the 3rd part of the trio is actually Dragon/Ice,two thirds of the trio will be weak to SR.Let's see if it will still be as metagame defining as it is now in gen 5.
(08-09-2010 12:56 PM)Ninjomewtwo Wrote: [ -> ]That Hajime guy from before keeps posting on 4chan, more stuff this time.
According to him, the 3rd legendary Dragon will be Dragon/Ice-type, based on Wuji.
Apparently, he admitted being a troll. But damn, he was the best one I've ever seen.
Ok guys, more rumors incoming. Sources are Hiro from Pokexperto, Pokejungle, 2ch, 4chan, everything. So, here we go:
Pokejungle Wrote:
- IV Values now have 8 kinds instead of 6
- There will be some kind of modification for the pokemon coming over from previous generations to fix their stats
- 4 EVs per battle
- Gaining Effort values has also changed
- Hidden Power now varies in base power between 60 and 70 (UPD)
- No new natures are being introduced
- 26 new abilities
- 156 total new pokemon (5 being distribution-only) [This correlates to what Experto has said]
- Hypnosis accuracy lowered to 55%, Dark Void’s accuracy now 50%
- Triple Battles and Rotation Battles are encountered many times
- PokeShifter is mentioned as being… less than desirable
- Random Match has two modes; 6vs6 Single and 4vs4 Double
- Random Match adheres to Battle Tower rules
- New rule called ‘Fresh’ which allows only pokemon trained in Black/White can be used
- Battle Subway has a WiFi component
- DSi users will be able to participate in events at McDonalds in which they can scan a barcode to receive an item or pokemon
- New HM to change seasons
Separate rumor pointed out by SymphonicMuffin. These are the alleged abilities of the Pokemon Peer Kanto starters:
Squirtle: Shell Armor
Charmander: Flame Body
Bulbasaur: Poison Point
Also since I’m posting this up anyway, a separate rumour also from a guy claiming to have read PokemonPia was brought to my attention a while back. It suggests the same thing only with Bulbasaur having ‘Chlorophyll’ instead of ‘Poison point’.
Hiro Wrote:
- There are quite interesting type combinations on all THREE trios (including Reshiram, Zekrom, Dragon/Ice pokemon)
- Swana does not evolve.
- Chillarmy evolves. "Is a scam of evolution, but have one".
- Hiro confirms Meguroko (the crocodile) has 2 evolutions.
- There are 16 new Dark-type pokemon
- Isshu has a Dragon-type gym.
- There is a Steel/Dark pokemon, not a legendary.
- There are 13 legendary pokemon: 3 trios + 3 event pokemon (like Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus) + Victini
- Gochiruzeru does not evolve
- Desukan & Denchura have pre-evolutions
Well, I don't know what to make of it, the sources seem more reliable than the previous times but still, they're just rumors. Since I kind of believe Pokexperto, Hiro's rumors should be possibly true, dunno about the first quote though. Only thing I really REALLY want to see is Battle Tower rules being enforced in 6v6 random battles. Garchomp and Latios allowed, Jirachi and Celebi not allowed, the way it should have always been.
Also, Melkor has reached number 544 on his Twitter.
Quote:#Dark Void’s accuracy now 50%
Wow.....OU Darkrai......coming soon.....
And too many Dark/Dragon/Steel pokemons.....
This will be an extremely different metagame...
???????I dunno If it is true or not....
^ Supposedly Bug/Poison.
Reposting so the post I'm updating is closer to the bottom.
Pokexperto Wrote:494: Victini
495: Tsutarja
496: Janobii
497: Tsutarja's 3rd Evo
498: Pokabu
499: Chaobuu
500: Pokabu's 3rd Evo
501: Mijumaru
502: Futachimaru
503: Mijumaru's 3rd Evo
504: Minezumi
505: Miruhoggu
506: Yooterii
507: Longer dog-like Pokémon, has same face but with mustache. Face and legs are golden, body is dark grey. Also a Normal type.
508: A dog-like Pokémon, resembles an adult Shih Tzu but with longer body. Long mustache and black-to-grey body http://bit.ly/9diX5S
509: Choroneko
510: A panther Pokémon. Most of its body is purple, but legs, head and body marks are light brown. Very elegant and slender.
511: Yanappu
512: Yanappu Evo, same design but bigger, with an Elvis forelock, more hair and arrogant pose. Also a pure Grass type. Fanart.
513: Baoppu. Fire Type monkey. Orange body with a flame-style hair and tail. It has a sleepy face.
514: Baoppu Evo. Fire Type monkey. It is fatter than Grass one, and seems confused. Tail and hair have flames. Red-orange color.
515: Hiyappu. A Water Type monkey. It's cheerful and has fountain-shaped hair. Light blue color.
516: Hiyappu Evo. Water Type monkey. The most sociable of all these monkeys, it has somewhat rasta hair style. Light blue color.
517: Munna
518: Musharna
519: Mamepato
520: Hatoopoo (also Normal / Flying)
521: Mamepato 3rd Evo. Typical bird Pokémon with an arrogant pose, resembles a pigeon. Same colors, but brown chest. Normal/Flying Type. Oh, btw, 521 has an alternative Forme. Still a pigeon, same pose, but with a pink mask, maybe a Spring Forme or somewhat.
522: Shimama
523: Shimama Evo. Still a zebra: bigger, fiercer, more white stripes and hair. Still Electric Type.
524: Dangoro
525: Dangoro Evo, Gigaiasu Pre Evo.
526: Gigaiasu
527: Koromori
528: Koromori Evo. A bat Pokémon with blue body and white fur. It maintains heart-shaped eyes but adds a hook tail. Uhm, some people say the heart is the nose. That could very well be the case with Koromori Evo. Ok, heart thing in the middle of the face =P
529: Moguryuu
530: Doryuuzu (Ground/Steel-type)
531: Tabunne (Normal-type)
532: A Fighting Type guy with a wooden plank. See image.
533: Fighting Type guy with an iron girder. It is stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.
534: Fighting Type guy with a concrete block on each hand. It got huge and badass in the process. The clown nose is not funny anymore.
535: A small tadpole. No arms, no legs, only a blue tail. Also two blue protuberances each side of its head. Pure Water Type. Fanart.
536: A bigger tadpole. Has developed legs, still no arms. Blue color, white tail. Three protuberances from head, four from body. Water/Ground.
537: A big frog, full with protuberances in head, arms and legs. No more tail. Its very big and has kinda mafia pose. Water/Ground.
538: Judo Pokémon, appeared on musical ( http://dlvr.it/4bfls ). Kimono stays. Rocky red skin, big eyebrows and nose. Pure Fighting Type.
539: Judo Pokémon. Taller and thinner than pre-evo, with rocky blue skin and kimono. Big nose and eyebrow (yes, only one).
540: Kurumiru
541: Kurumiru Evo. The leaf grows and covers the Pokémon as a cocoon. Only eyes and mouth can be seen. Bug/Grass Type.
542: A Leaf Insect Pokémon, a Phylliidae ( http://bit.ly/atUO9q ). Stands on two legs, with a leaf skirt and arms. Head is like Kurumiru's.
543: Fanart. Bug/Poison.
544: A round cocoon with an eye on each side. All covered in spikes, 4 larger and 8 shorter. Ugliest one on Dex. Bug/Poison Type.
545: Scolopendra Pokémon ( http://bit.ly/cYSqJk ). Silhouette here: http://bit.ly/asjnsT Color like first pre-evo. Bug/Poison Type.
546: Monmen
547: Cloud Pokémon. Still deciding whether its a sheep or not. Grass-type. Fanart.
548: Churine
549: Grass Lady Pokémon. She wears a flower hat with crown. Big leaf on the back. Her dress is a leaf bulb, with 2 dark green leaves as arms.
550: Basurao. Two Formes. One is green with red stripe and eyes, other with blue stripe and eyes. Second seems more aggresive. Water-type.
551: Meguroko
552: Meguroko Evo. Very similar in design, but bigger, fatter and standing on two legs. Has spikes on the back. Ground/Dark.
553: Meguroko 2nd Evo. Even bigger and fatter, it now looks fiercer and has turned red color (maybe gender difference?). Ground/Dark-type.
554: Darumakka (it has tiny arms and legs, Fire Type)
555: Hihidaruma. Hihidaruma has an alternative Forme (Fire/Psychic).
556: Dancing Cactus Pokémon. It has yellow eyes and spikes, and two pink flowers sprouting from the head. Two arms, no feet. Pure Grass.
557: A Hermit Crab Pokémon. Basically a crab with a big rock covering its back. Bug/Rock-type.
558: A Hermit Crab Pokémon. The crab is holding a giant cube rock that is like 5 times its size. Bug/Rock-type.
559: Dark/Fighting guy. Fanart.
560: Dark/Fighting guy. Similar design to previous one, but orange head, with red crest. Has a hood at the back with pre-evo head, scary.
561: A Flying Mask Pokémon, seems egyptian. Only one eye, two golden wings without feathers. Very strange. Psychic/Flying-type.
562: Desukan Pre-Evo. Floating black body with two big red eyes and big arms. Holds a human mask at the bottom. Pure Ghost.
563: Desukan. Ghost-type.
564: Archelon Fossil Pokémon. Blue body and grey shell. Amazing design. Water/Rock-type.
565: Archelon Fossil Pokémon. Bigger body, stands on two legs and has an armor/shell of rock. Bulky Water candidate? Water/Rock-type.
566: Archaeopteryx Fossil Pokémon. A Rock/Flying-type bird with yellow, red and blue feathers.
567: Archaeopteryx Fossil Pokémon. The bird has become bigger and fiercer. Its head is now green/red coloured. Rock/Flying-type.
568: Garbage Bag Pokémon. A green garbage bag with eyes. Its arms are formed of grey dirt coming out from the bag. Pure Poison-type.
569: Garbage Bag Pokémon. The garbage has grown a lot and thus half the body is grey dirt. Very amorphous. Pure Poison-type.
570: Zorua
571: Zoroark
572: Chillarmy
573: Chillarmy Evo (Chillarmy + Long white scarf covering its body, Normal-type).
574: Emo Baby Pokémon. Gochiruzeru Pre Pre Evo. A baby with big purple head and great blue eyes. Similar design. Pure Psychic-type.
575: Emo Girl Pokémon. Gochiruzeru Pre Evo. A little girl with two ponytails, but very similar to Gochiruzeru. Psychic-type.
576: Gochiruzeru
577: Cell Pokémon. Rankurusu Pre Pre Evo. Basically a white nucleus with eyes and nose, surrounded by green jelly. Pure Psychic-type.
578: Cell Pokémon. Rankurusu Pre Evo. Now the cell has developed tiny arms, and more green jelly. Pure Psychic-type.
579: Rankurusu
580: Blue Swan Pokémon. Swana Pre Evo. Basically a breed of swan, in blue color. Water/Flying-type.
581: Swana
582: Ice Cream Ball Pokémon. A white/blue ice cream ball with tiny body, almost like a baby. Pure Ice-type.
583: Ice Cream Pokémon. Pure Ice-type. Fanart.
584: Double Ice Cream Pokémon (one cone, two balls). Also Ice-type.
585: Shikijika
586: Mebukijika
587: Emonga
588: New Bug Pokémon. Pure Bug-type. Fanart.
589: Knight Bug Pokémon. A knight with an armor, spears and helmet. Main body is based on previous bug. Bug/Steel-type.
590: Tamagetake
591: Tamagetake Evo. A Mushroom Pokémon with a pink PokéBall design, and two smaller PokéBall as hands. Grass/Poison-type.
592: Jellyfish Pokémon. Round blue head with 5 tentacles. Water/Ghost-type. Has another Forme, pink color and different tentacles.
593: Jellyfish Pokémon. Also Water/Ghost-type. Fanart.
594: Mamanboo (No. 100 at Isshu PokéDex).
595: Denchura Pre Evo, Bug/Electric-type. Fanart.
596: Denchura
597: Iron Ball Pokémon. Grass/Steel-type. Fanart.
598: Steel Platform Pokémon. A spiky steel platform with three grass arms going up and ending in steel maces. Grass/Steel-type.
599: Gear
600: Gear + Another big gear behind.
601: Gear + Big gear behind + Small gear at bottom + Platform.
602: Small Fish, white color. Electric-type.
603: Small Lamprey Pokémon. Electric-type.
604: Big Lamprey Pokémon. Green/Blue color and round mouth. Electric-type.
605: Green Alien Pokémon. Big oval head, this mark on head ( http://bit.ly/bHwabq ) and small body. Weird. Pure Psychic-type.
Assuming that all these are true:
Pokejungle Wrote:
- IV Values now have 8 kinds instead of 6
I wonder what could these extra two be for and whether they'll affect battles at all.
- Hidden Power now varies in base power between 60 and 70 (UPD)
Hell yeah, less frustration for non-RNG breeders.
- Hypnosis accuracy lowered to 55%, Dark Void’s accuracy now 50%
Hypnosis wasn't that common anyway, Darkrai loses some serious punch
- Random Match adheres to Battle Tower rules
Great news, maybe a leaderboard system could be also added to encourage players(I don't hope for much though).
Hiro Wrote:
- Hiro confirms Meguroko (the crocodile) has 2 evolutions.
I expect it to be the psuedo-uber of this gen, dark/ground is such a great offensive type and its two abilities are awesome.
- There is a Steel/Dark pokemon, not a legendary. Horrible type I think, though in a metagame full of dark/steel/dragon types it could possibly work...(still fire types were added)