They Did Nothing But By The Way Do You Think That B/W Will Be Played On 3DS?
Cause i Asked GCPM11 and he told me no that they will be playable on DS,Lite,Dsi
Yep, but since the 3DS has a slot for DS games, you can play Pokemon B/W on it, too. :)
CHING! It says DS, not 3DS. :p
Wait, what ?
[posting this because the message is too short]
GCPM11 is laughable, classic zero credibility and seriousness.
(21-06-2010 04:25 PM)Arty2 Wrote: [ -> ]GCPM11 is laughable, classic zero credibility and seriousness.
yeah whatever but THE games are playble on DSi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Woooo great! This way we won't need to buy a 3DS.....woooot!
Didn't we just know they were intended for the DS(i) since they were announced?

hehehe it's funny how confusion spreads.
it is announced for DS indeed but I am certain it will be compatible with 3ds. Now about Pokemon Grey (cos it's coming our way at some point prolly), I can't be that certain. GF tend to try innovative things with the 3rd version usually so it won't be surprising to see two versions, one for DS and another for 3ds.

Mijumaru has good sp.def

Is there anything new confirmed ?
the date and some new characters. No names.
Do tell.
And you guys were just gonna buy the 3DS to play Pokemon ?
There are much better games than Pokemon you know.
(27-06-2010 01:19 PM)sweet-devil Wrote: [ -> ]And you guys were just gonna buy the 3DS to play Pokemon ?
Yes. That's why I bought the DS, too! Although on my way, I got other games. xD All I wanted was to play Pokemon. The same goes for the GBA.
sweet-devil Wrote:There are much better games than Pokemon you know.
Nah, Pokemon is one of the bestesterest games ever. It's in my top10 list. The other 9 games are probably PS3/PS2/PS1 games. xDDDD
I am going to buy ds for zelda,kid icarus,pokemon and more